Chapter 5

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"Ugh, it's raining." Yoongi raised his hand to feel raindrops falling on his hand. He sighed and pulled his cellphone out. "Damn it, my phone's dead. It must be because of the rain. What am I going to fucking use now?" He said to himself and scratch his neck that made his skin bleed. "Fuck, now I'm bleeding?"

"I should've brought an umbrella." He sighed once again and just sat down.

He feels so exhausted from running, finding a place to stay while it's still raining. He combed his fingers and pulled it, he was so frustrated. "Ugh I hate crying." He wiped his tears but it's not stopping. "Why do I have to be a cry baby? Why do I have to live? Why did I even have to prove myself? I just wanted to be happy for fuck's sake." He muttered.

As soon as he said that, a boy went up to him. Yoongi, of course noticed it as he quickly wiped his tears away. "Asking you if you're okay would be ridiculous. Yoongi, please be okay."

"I don't need your pity, Jimin."

"I care for you. Now let's go inside my car. I have clothes there. Please change, don't be sick, okay." Yoongi didn't resist, he was so exhausted to sass back. "Can you walk?" Yoongi nodded and got up.

Jimin smiled and opened the umbrella.


"Why are you so nice to me?"

"You're my friend." Jimin answered that made Yoongi frown. He felt a sting on his chest but brushed it off.

"Where are we going? This is not the way home."

"We're going to the mall, Yoongi. I'm going to buy you a new cellphone." Yoongi widened his eyes at his words.

"Jimin! That's too much! A cellphone is fucking expensive!" Yoongi shouted.
"Why are you even doing this to me? Are you gay?"

"So giving out a cellphone is gay to you?"

"You care wayyyy too much for me, I only know you for a month!"

"I just know that I'm not gay, Yoongi. I'm straight. I just help those people that are in need." Yoongi lets out a 'hah'

"I don't need something! I don't need someone!"

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying! Just quit pitying me for Pete's sake, Jimin!" When Yoongi shouted those words, Jimin stopped the car that made Yoongi nervous.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you, Yoongi." Jimin said and looked at Yoongi straight in the eye. "You're a friend of mine that I want to take care of. I observe things, I know things, and I'm not dumb. I know you're going through something! In the first place, you didn't ask me to help you, I fucking volunteered!"


"I KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT VERY VOCAL ABOUT TELLING YOUR FEELINGS. BUT YOUR ACTIONS ARE OBVIOUS! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Yoongi shuts his mouth as Jimin shouted. He lowered his head and sniffed. He cursed internally for being a cry baby. "I'm sorry, Yoongi." Jimin's face softens when he saw him cry. He strokes his hair using his fingers, going down on his face as he lift his chin up.

Jimin wiped Yoongi's tears. He admired the other's features. He has a small scar under his left eye that made him furrow his eyebrows. Why was he so concerned about him? He wasn't like this before to anyone. He has this weird feeling all the time, and he only feels it when he's with Yoongi.

Yoongi looked away and lets out a fake cough to avoid the awkward tension. Jimin started the car again and continued driving.

"T-Thank you, Jimin."

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