Chapter 2- "Daphne Made Me Do It!"

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The tires of the van crunched over gravel as Fred parked the Mystery Machine near the front entrance into KISSworld.

Rory could hardly contain herself and all but crawled over Daphne in attempt to get out of the van as soon as possible. This, in turn, caused some fussing between the two girls, especially since one absolutely could not fathom for her hair to be messed up simply due to an over-excited Rory.

Once she finally stumbled out, Rory's eyes grew even wider as she took in the sight before her. If the massive front doors weren't enough to catch any passerby's attention, the bright and colorful lights peaking out from behind the tall, cement walls undoubtably would.

She couldn't help but smile as she took in her first look at KISSWorld. It was even more magnificent than she had could have ever imagined! But slowly, the excited smile that adorned her face slowly diminished into a confused frown.

What was at first giving her a feeling of euphoria soon turned to something that sent shivers down her spine. In a flash, the spinning and rippling lights of the attractions caused Rory to recall the shooting lights of colors from her recurring dream. There were so many similarities between the two, but it was impossible for them to be the same. As far as Rory knew, she had never been near KISSWorld.

Rory quickly shook her head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts as Daphne came up beside her and gave a playful huff, while she straightened her hair.

Rory snickered at her friend. "You know, Daph, crazy hair is a trend for rockstars. Honestly, I did you a favor," she cheekily told the redhead.

"Usually a favor is done mindfully, not by an over-excited teenager who can't wait two more seconds for me to open the door," Daphne replied while proceeding to mess up Rory's hair in retaliation, by means of pretending to pat her head as a mother would.

Before Rory could further engage in the battle of the hair, Fred had swiftly wedged himself between the two and throwing an arm over each of the girls's shoulders.

"Now, now, let's go have some fun!" Fred exclaimed before adding, "without any more hair related casualties."

"Fred, you do know how theme park rides work, right?" Rory asked him while grinning up at him.

The blonde simply rolled his eyes, before squeezing Rory tighter into his side. Unfortunately due to her height, it placed her perfectly into the crook of his arm- meaning a face full of armpit.

The gang all started walking towards the entrance, including a struggling and hollering Rory, which was luckily muffled by Fred's pit of doom.

As usual, Rory thought no one would have noticed her quick change in demeanor that disappeared as soon as it came, especially due to Daphne and Fred's distraction. But she was mistaken.

Scooby and Shaggy knew the brunette quite well, as she often was with them when the group decided to split up on mysteries. They saw how Rory tensed after looking at the theme park as if something troubled her, and how she attempted to shake it off. But they also knew she would not talk about what was on her mind until she was ready, so they didn't prod.

"It's so majorly groovy to get to see KISS at KISSworld on Halloween night!" Daphne exclaimed as she balled her fists close to her chest in excitement.

Daphne's outburst was just enough to divert Shaggy's attention from his thoughts about Rory and he commented, "Just listen to those crowds."

"I'm so excited I think I'm going to freak out," Daphne continued, miserably failing at trying not to swoon.

"Apparently you're not the only one," the voice of reason known as Velma commented as she pointed to what she had noticed. The group of six took a closer look at the crowd that was pouring from the gates of the entrance.

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