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TW: Blood/ Gore/ Death

Holding my breath as I watch from the underbrush, my eyes never leaving the old and sick male deer on the edge of the herd.

I've been following this herd for over three days and have had little to eat, mostly just small stuff like berries which I'm not to fond of, along with some already dead animal carcasses.

I crept closer..

4 steps.....

3 steps.......

2 steps........

1 step...

Claws out and teeth ready as I pounced on the unsuspecting creature. It reared back and shrieked in surprise as I dug my teeth into it's throat, the iron taste already in my mouth as I dug my claws into it's semi-tough skin. I jerked my head back and tore it's throat, cutting off it's life line. It slowly collapsed to the ground and kicked weakly in an attempt to still get me away before it took it's last breath, it's glassy eyes staring into a dark abyss.

Releasing it's neck I yip and jump around in excitement, I actually got it!  My first big meal of the winter! It's not my first ever kill or first ever deer, but I haven't had a nice good meal like this in a long time.

I quickly tear into the stomach of the animal, blood dribbled out of the stomach as I guzzled down. The still warm blood refreshing to taste as it easily flowed down my throat. Tearing at the thick muscle and skin, the thick tender fat of the deer tasting like heaven.

I hear footsteps behind me and the smell of another wolf as the wind switches directions, I ignore it. It's probably just a rogue, there is plenty for us both. He growls and I feel the need to submit as for being born an omega, but I instead ignore the scream of instinct and just growl back before going back to my meal.

He starts walking closer and growling louder, showing clear aggression. I passed it off since every other lone wolf I've passed has just mostly ignored me or just ate with me or let me eat with them. He was now too close for comfort, only a few feet away. If he really wants some then he can wait for my fill, I am the one who killed it anyways, there is more than enough for us both. A few more bites and my stomach will be full, but before I could get another bite in, he pounced on me.

I yelp as I tumble out of the way, but he didn't stop there, probably mad that I didn't submit and give him the food. He pounced on me again before I could get up, landing a deep bloody claw mark on my side. I yelp again and quickly get up and start blindly running to get away from him. Ignoring the screaming pain that slightly slowed me down as I started heading down hill to the stream to clean the wound.

I started to head through the tree line, the branches and leaves brushing up against my wounds, making me wince. I finally get down to the stream and gingerly step into the ice cold water that came up to my chest. I lowered my body into the water to wash away the blood and clean the wound along with my matted fur. I'm glad about the water being cold because it numbs the wound and minimizes the pain. I lower my head down into the water and duck myself into the liquid in order to fully clean my entire coat, watching as the blood and dirt flow down the stream and out of my coat.

Getting out of the stream I shake out my coat, lucky for the injury still being numb so the shake didn't hurt. Walking a little ways away as the sun warmed me up. I quickly find a large rock and lay on my uninjured right side so that dirt and germs don't get into my freshly cleaned wound. Basking in the warm sun that fights away the coldness of winter, spring is still a while away but atleast the sun is trying.

All my worries slowly fading away as the warmth of the sun and almost full belly calms me on the large rock.

721 words 6-29-22 1:58AM

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