Chapter 9

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(Cain's enclosure)
Cain was walking through the forest filled with anger. He tore down everything that was in his way.

Cain:"How can she say that without even knowing anything about me?!"

Cain shouts in anger.

Cain:"I knew having friends was a bad idea! I should have just stayed alone now I have to deal with things like sadness"

Cain continues walking.

Trisha:"Cain wait!"

He hears Trisha calling for him but he ignores her. He just keeps walking. Maybe he can find something to help him calm down. Cain sighs and he stops infront of a river. He starts drinking some water but he's sense start to go crazy. He backs away from the water as Jaws close where he's neck was. Cain growls and the creature emmerges from the body of water he was drinking from.

DeinosuchusLength:39 feet(dinos that are like Crocs and alligators I'll use length to measure them)Gender: Female

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Length:39 feet(dinos that are like Crocs and alligators I'll use length to measure them)
Gender: Female.
Age: Adult.

The Deinosuchus gets out of the body of water and it start to hiss at Cain who hisses in response. The Deinosuchus spins and she whips Cain with her tail causing him to fall to the ground. Cain quickly gets up and he starts running at the Deinosuchus. It opens it's mouth to catch Cain but he makes a quick turn and he grabs the dinosaur. He starts to raise it in the air while it starts to flail around. Cain throws the Deinosuchus on it's back and it starts trying to get back up but Cain puts his foot on it. He looks her in the eyes before removing his leg and raises his hand he slashes her gut and she roars in pain. Cain continues to claw releasing all his rage. All he could see was red and after awhile of clawing he stops and he looks down. The dinosaur's insides were completely gone so was most of her body.

Cain:"I went Abit overboard"

Cain starts to walk away. He looks up and he sees the flying dinosaurs still in the air but they are increasing. This of course confused him. He starts to look around in the sky. He stops once he sees where they were coming from. Cain gets down on all fours and he starts to run in that direction. Destroying everything in his path.

Sky:"You just had to tell at him didn't you?"

Trisha:"I said I was sorry"

Trisha says while hanging her head down. Petra nudges Sky who starts to speak once again.

Sky:"Look. We appreciate that you convinced him to spare us but you can't expect him to spare any animal he sees. I mean he's been here linger than any one of us. So he knows which Dinosaurs are cruel and the ones that aren't"

Trisha:"Yeah you're right. But I don't like seeing creatures getting killed"

Petra:"That's just life Petra. If Cain hadn't gotten to that dinosaur then some other predator could have"

Trisha:"I have been trying to convince him to try to stop killing instead of being thankful. Him killing other dinosaurs is the reason I'm still alive and here I am trying to change him"

Petra moves closer to her.

Petra:"It's cool. You know what you did was wrong now we just have to find him before some other big dinosaur finds us"

And as if on cue they started to hear giant footsteps running their way and the way the footsteps were approaching them was unbelievably fast. The three dinosaurs start panicking not having time to Cain runs through the forest at high speeds forcing them to jump out of the way and just as quickly as he came he disappears.

Sky:"How is something that big able to move like that?!"

Cain continues to run around the forest. He growls in anger looking around. The flying dinosaurs were terrorizing the other dinosaurs. Picking them up and drooping them to the ground and eating other animals alive. However everytime they heard him they would fly away. Angering him even more. Cain's vision allows him to spot another flying Dinosaur in the distance.

QuetzalcoatlusHeight: 20 feet

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Height: 20 feet.
Gender: Male.
Age: Adult.

This was the largest Dinosaur he had ever seen even if it was from a distance. Cain picks up his speed and the dinosaur starts to fly in the air. It was about to get away but Cain grad it's leg and he slams the dinosaur into the ground. The dinosaur starts to flap it's wings which forced Cain to let go of it. The Quetzalcoatlus starts to stand up and Cain was shocked. This was the biggest Dinosaur he had ever seen. It is the same height as him. The Dino starts to screech and it spreads it's wings making it look bigger. This was intimidating but Cain was up for the challenge. He roars at the challenger.

Cain:"Listen I don't want to fight you. I just want to ask you some questions"

The opposing Dinosaur tries to peck at Cain with it's Beak. Cain backs up dodging the attack.

Cain:"Everyone always wants to do things the hard way"

Cain gets down on all fours. The Dinosaur tries pecking at him again but Cain ducks and he kicks it's torso. The dinosaur staggers back in pain. It starts flying into the air trying to get away but Cain doesn't let up. He grabs an animal skull in the ground and he starts to watch the Quetzalcoatlus. It was flying further and further away. He throws the Pachycephalosaurus skull at it's back and it hits. The dino starts to fall down due to the sudden pain but before it hits the ground it manages to starts flying however before it got too far Cain grabs it by it's leg and he slams it on the ground once again. He then puts his foot on it's head. The dinosaur starts to struggle but it was futile.


Cain shows his teeth inching closer to the Quetzalcoatlus. Cain could feel the fear being released by it.

Cain:"You're going to show me where you came from.... Friend"

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