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"There has been some trouble brewing in the Dungeons."

Trouble in the Dungeons?

"What sort of trouble?"

"... a double dungeon was found a few days ago. It killed 11 of the 17 who went inside."

"And only 6 came out alive? What is the problem here? Deaths are very common—" A tux-wearing hand approached the girl as she spat out blood while coughing.

"While deaths are common, this one was an unusual case." She wiped her lips with the handkerchief he provided.

"... How so?"

"The survivors all spoke about a temple. It is said that there were a few commandments that they had to obey to survive. And statues that supposedly killed the rest of them instead of any monsters—" He paused when she raised her hand, telling him to stop. He watched as she took a deep breath which made her wince again.

"And you are finding it unusual because...?" He turned away from her prying all-knowing eyes.

"When we and the White Tiger Guild reached there to rescue them, we did not find anything of that sort. There weren't any statues, only the body of the last surviving member of the team. He was lying on the altar."

"And you have trouble believing their part of it? Because there was no evidence of it?" She raised her eyebrow at him. Another man from Jinchul's division came in with a glass of water for her which she promptly gulped down.

"On the contrary..." He waited until she finished drinking to finish his sentence.

"On the contrary, it would be hard not to believe them seeing as we found the dismembered bodies of the rest of the team."

"So what exactly is the problem here? A few died yes, but that's natural as a hunter. Six of them survived and from what you said there's no sign of a dungeon break happening." She shrugged which only made her seem more frail much to Woo Jinchul's distress.

"I don't like the fact that there is no evidence. Specifically, the fact that something that huge happened and we have no idea if it might happen agai—"

"It will. Just not now."

"How do you—"

"There's no need to worry about it. It will only give everyone a migraine Jinchul-ssi." She stood over, Jinchul hurried over to support her if need be as she walked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Seoul.

"What I am saying is... whatever it was, it left no trace of being there. So we cannot rule out that it is hiding, think of it as a sentient thing. Since it did not die, it must be hiding then right? What we can do now is wait for it to come out." There was something familiar about the way she looked down at the streets. Jinchul requested that she sit down again and asked if he should get something to eat.

"No, it's fine. Get me some incense to help me sleep. I feel sleepy suddenly." Her silver hair fell around her face as she rested her head on her palm. He nodded and hurriedly left to get her everything that she would need to sleep better.

A few rooms over, a few new interns questioned the identity of the girl who seemingly had the chief of the monitoring division, second only to the Chairman of the Korean Hunter's Association under her thumbs.

Their questions were met only with the unfriendly eyes of their seniors.

"If you want to work here in the association then pray that you are in her good graces." The interns shivered as they feared that she might be the type to mess with the employees. The seniors only shook their heads in answer.

"You are not fully an employee yet so we cannot reveal her identity to you. But know this, she may look all sickly and on her death bed. But make no mistakes, she is very strong. And she is also related to the Chairman. She will not harm you, but pray that you never do something morally wrong while working here. Her gaze is not something that people like us deserve." 

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