Chapter Four

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I've spent the last 20 minutes looking at Christina's profile. I'm being careful not to accidentally like old photos. I don't want her to think I'm a creep looking at her photos from 2017. Though, I guess I am exactly that.

It's funny to see how her photos have changed. The older ones are mostly her with friends or on holidays with her family. Then we have a lot of nights out until we get to the last couple of months when she started to post mostly professional photos. She's always been pretty, but it's easy to see she's grown into her looks to take her from cute to gorgeous.

"Who's that?", asks John while I was distracted looking at a photo of Christina in Brighton with her family.

" one".

"I'm not your mum, Rúben. I won't tell you off for looking at pretty girls on IG", he laughs.

"It's just...the girl that interviewed me yesterday, I was being nosey and checking her IG".

"Let me see her", John says, asking for my phone.

I give it to him and he takes a quick look.

"How is this fair?", he says dramatically. "That I get the middle-aged dudes interviewing me but you get the hottie".

I shrug and laugh.

"Anyways, how was your date?"

Not the change of subject I was looking forward to.

"Alright, I guess. She only seemed interested in us in one way but I guess I wasn't planning a life with her either so whatever".

"Wow, that sounds horrible, Rúben. I feel for you".

"Shut up!"

"Maybe you should invite your journalist friend to be your next date", suggests John. And I try hard not to show a reaction to that.

Because I've thought about it but I don't want to scare her away by being too forward.

When I go back to IG, I see Christina has uploaded a new story and click on it. It's of her and a guy, called Matty according to the tag, and she's written "coffee and Matty, my favourite combo". I show it to John.

"I guess she's busy with her boyfriend".

"Wait until they break up, then", he says laughing.

I roll my eyes at him and go back to the story. Her head is on his shoulder and they both have big smiles on their faces. I can see his hand is on her waist. I mean, of course she has a boyfriend. I shouldn't be surprised but it bothers me anyway.


After my coffee with Matty, I go back home to work on some articles that are due soon. I'm struggling to concentrate so I pick up my phone to scroll through social media.

Friends have posted, so I like and comment on their photos. My sister Lily has posted a new story with my nephew, so I like it and answer with a bunch of emoji hearts. And I see Rúben has posted a new photo too. He's wearing the outfit all City players wear when they travel for away matches. But I have to admit that even though the outfit is horrible, it doesn't look half bad on him. I debate for a second before liking the photo.

I mean, I've liked some of his photos before. But, he wasn't following me back then. What if he thinks I've only done it to get his attention or something? Not to be all I'm not like the other girls but I'm sure many use that trick. Ugh, why do I have to overthink everything? He won't even notice I liked the stupid photo.

Ok, phone away. Back to writing.

Once I'm done with work, I reward myself by making a delicious frozen pizza for dinner. And I might even take a bath later. Glamour and luxury 24/7.

When I go stop the timer I set on my phone I see I have a few notifications. But one stands out. A DM from Rúben. So he is like the others. What a surprise!

I still open it to see what he has to say and it confuses me even more.

"Hi Christina. I'm playing in London tomorrow, against Arsenal. I have a couple of tickets if you want them. For you and your boyfriend. Let me know if you want them. Xx"

For me and my boyfriend? I didn't have one of those last time I checked. But I do want the tickets. I'll gladly support City against Arsenal. I'll support literally anyone that plays Arsenal.

"Hey Rúben. Hope you are ok. That's super generous of you and sure, I'll love tickets to the match. But...I'm a bit confused. I don't have a boyfriend but I'll be able to find someone to take to the match with me if the offer still stands. Xx"

Pizza time now.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now