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Ally's pov:

Putting my hands on my hips, I look around at my empty room that's filled with bins of clothes, bedding, necessary items, and a bunch more.

"You're already done?" My mom comes into my room, taking a look around before meeting my eye.

"I just finished up, does Ella need any help?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "Ella hasn't even started. I guess someone is just a bit more excited to get out of here than the other." She says amused, crossing her arms while lifting an eyebrow.

I giggle, "I guess so."

It's quite comical actually. One year ago, it was the exact opposite. I guess opinions change, and mine sure did. I couldn't wait to start a new chapter of my life away at college. Being able to go somewhere new and get a whole new perspective about life is something that I've been looking forward to for months.

It is a coincidence that Ella and I are moving out on the same day three days from now. She was moving to a college only an hour from here, whereas I was moving across the whole country.

She had a lot less to pack, but it doesn't mean that she shouldn't get a head start.

"What is she doing now? Every time she packs last minute, she always forgets things." I laugh to myself, walking past my mother and heading straight towards her room.

Opening the door, I see my sister laying down in her bed while scrolling through her phone. I shake my head and walk towards her, grabbing the phone from her hand.

"Hey!!" She whines, trying to reach for it, but I hold it up so she wouldn't be able to get it.

"Shouldn't you be doing something right now?" I ask, making the same facial expression that we get from our mother when she is trying to make a point.

"Like what?" She asks, finally getting her phone from my hand and going back to her resting position.

"Oh, I don't know... packing? You shouldn't wait till the last minute to do it, you'll forget something."

She shrugs her shoulders, "If I forget something it wouldn't matter anyway, I'm only an hour away, not like you Ms. New Jersey." Ella snickers, kicking me away with her foot.

Safe to say, she has gotten used to the idea that I was moving across the country... it wasn't always like that.

I still remember the day when she found my acceptance letter in the mail. The way she approached me with tears in her eyes was because she didn't think that I would even choose a school so far away from home. It was hard telling her that I felt like I needed a getaway, and this school felt right for me.

It was hard to explain to her, and that caused a lot of arguments between us. But eventually, she was able to understand why I needed this. And yes, it was going to be hard. Especially the first couple of weeks or so. But I'm ready to take on that challenge.

"Fine, but don't come asking me for help when you wait until the very last minute to pack. I'm not going to be as nice as I was a couple of weeks ago when we went to the beach." I remind her, causing a groan to leave her mouth.

"I do recall us making the plane, did we not?"

I roll my eyes, "yeah, no thanks to you though. We barely made it."

"Barely made it is basically the same as on time to me." She giggles, before looking back towards her phone.

"I'm sure it is," I say to myself, before turning towards her door to leave, but she stops me.

"Why don't we do something today?" Ella speaks up. I turn towards her with my head tilted to the side.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, go outside? Eat ice-cream? You won't have any of these warm, sunny days once you move to New Jersey."

I laugh, "I'm sure you're right. But ice-cream? I thought you said that you were on a diet?"

She snickers, "Yeah, but you know my attempts at dieting only last a day until I cave in." Ella says, before looping her arm around mine.

"I don't know how I'm going to go about without hearing stuff like this from you daily." I sigh dramatically, to which she nudges me playfully.

"Hey, I'm only a phone call away."

"And what if I don't call?" I tease, causing her to grin evilly.

"You say that as if I don't know how to book a plane ticket, my dear sister."

"I'm not sure your boyfriend would like the idea of you flying by yourself to see lil old me." I play along, putting a hand over my heart.

She laughs, "Then he's got two options, book a plane ticket or kick himself to the curb."


"Mom, please stop crying," I say, pulling her into one last hug. I'm sure that my uber driver was becoming impatient by now because he's been here for already ten minutes, and I've still been saying my goodbyes.

"I'm just going to miss you so much. You promise you are going to call every day, right?" She asks for the millionth time, and I nod my head.

"I promise, you have my word," I say, pulling away from our hug and looking at my dad and Ella, who were giving me small smiles.

I give them hugs also, telling them the same promise that I made to my mom. And I'm sure that if I didn't keep it, I would be expecting three plane tickets to New Jersey also.

With that being said, I walk towards my uber and give them one last wave as we drive off.

And as I got closer and closer to the airport, I repeated the same phrase in my head.

I got this.

Hey guys!!

This was the first official chapter of Ring of Love!!!

I can't wait to start this new chapter (hehe) with you!!

I love you all!


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