𝟬𝟬𝟮. a boozy night

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act one chapter two

irisblanche via instagram stories

irisblanche via instagram stories

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IRIS HAD FAILED MISERABLY AT BEING A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. She wasn't quite sure at which point in the evening in which she had decided to throw the act out of the window. But by 2am it was long gone.

And she was sure a lot of her money was too. It was a boozy night, for sure. Mick had left at a reasonable time of 1am, and had no alcohol to drink as he was preparing for the beginning of the season and wanted to be in best shape.

Iris, however, was on the opposite scale to Mick. She couldn't even tell you the name of the restaurant she had been in, or the best cocktail in the bar. What she could tell you was that she had a splitting headache and her stomach felt like it was about to jump out of her own body.

Maybe the sushi before drinking hadn't been the best decision.

She very vaguely remembered falling asleep and could only hope, she hadn't brought a complete stranger home. Although it would've made a good song, she didn't really like the idea of bringing someone home when she couldn't even remember what she had for breakfast.

Lover / Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now