𝟬𝟮𝟮. jokes

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act one chapter twenty-two.

WAKING UP THE NEXT MORNING, was pure bliss. Charles and Iris felt as though they were in their own little bubble.

The monégasque having woken up first and had simply been watching the sunrise, in hopes to pass time. A warm mug of coffee in his hand. He was most definitely not going to drink out of the mini fridge, not wanting to pay the bill that comes with it.

Charles hadn't had the perfect sleep. He'd waited till Iris had eventually done so. (Charles had previously undermined how long that would actually take)

Iris was a horrible sleeper. At sleepovers she would be made to sleep on the floor so the other could actually sleep, Mick had even made her sleep in the guest room on multiple occasions. She never really knew the real reason, but it did explain why she was awfully tired all the time.

However, after at least two hours of tossing and turning she had fallen asleep. Her hand resting on-top Charles' stomach - on accident. He hadn't even realized till he had woken up and had to find some way to move her hand without waking her up. Making the assumption that if she found it difficult to fall asleep, she can't stay asleep easily.

He almost hadn't wanted to move her hand after feeling the loss of warmth on a section of his stomach. Frankly, he wanted to get back in the bed and fall back asleep. And possibly cuddle her, but due to jumping straight in bed last night Charles wasn't sure if there was to be boundaries between the pair, or maybe even a pillow wall that hadn't been put up.

Charles' soul almost left his body when he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around his waist and a chin rest on his shoulder. Feeling any tension in his body that had built up slowly disappear, "Good morning." Iris croaked, sounding less awake then Charles was at the hour.

"Good morning." Charles replied, fiddling with the ring on her middle finger. "Did you sleep well, I noticed you tossing and turning." He voiced his concern, ready to let her go back to sleep if necessary.

"Sorry," She apologized immediately, knowing she can be quite tough to sleep with. "I hope I didn't keep you awake."

Charles, of course, was not going to make her feel bad. "You didn't, this bed is very comfortable." Charles told her, partially telling the truth.

Iris furrowed her eyebrows, the bed wasn't that comfortable. Truthfully, she would compare it to sleeping on a rock. But maybe Charles was one of those people who preferred more solid mattresses. "Whatever floats your boat." Iris commented before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Realizing she couldn't do so because this was not her room, so she had to use her finger.

Charles stood in the doorway trying to hide his laughter after noticing a spare toothbrush on the side.

Iris looked at him confused before looking closer at the bathroom sink, before looking at him with a death stare. "Shut up, Leclerc."

Charles held his hands up in defense, "I didn't say anything!"

"Well don't say anything." Iris smiled, kissing him on the cheek before throwing herself onto the bed. "Well, what is the plan for today?"

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