New Story Alert! Of Darkness & Light

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I almost died once. I think I was dead for a few seconds, but to be honest, I wasn't even sure I was dead. I mean, I didn't see my life passing by, or found myself in front of a white tunnel like a lot of people think.

One minute, I was there, and the next, he was there. 

And when I heard his voice, the same voice I'd been missing for over a year, it didn't matter if I was dead or not. It just mattered that I was talking to him.

I started a new story, that is paranormal, and I hope you do check it out and enjoy it!

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I started a new story, that is paranormal, and I hope you do check it out and enjoy it!

Thank you!

Prince with BenefitsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя