Far From Home

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I had entirely forgotten about the device Ratchet had given me to track the Bots, and I was pretty surprised when I found it hidden at the bottom of one of my old backpacks.

This gave me an idea of how to keep track of Rory and Arya.

"Hey, Ratch!" I called as I walked into his room. It was empty except for a long, transformer-sized table with medical equipment on it. "You got a minute?"

"Of course Ash, what is it that you need?" He asked as he turned to face me.

"I need a small favor, remember this?" I asked, holding up the watch-like device.

"Oh, yes I do, why?" He asked as he lowered himself to inspect it, "has it broken down?"

"Well, no, but I'd like to put a chip on Razor, Rory, and Arya, do you think you could help me out?" I said as I looked at Razor, who gurgled quietly and glanced at Ratchet warily, just like a dog that knew that it was going to the vet.

"Of course kiddo, we can start right now if you want," he offered, much to my content.

"Alright! I'll bring the other two"

I ran back to my lot and brought Arya and Rory with me, rushing out with them in my arms only to bump into someone. I huffed and stumbled back, clutching my critters tightly. Rory squeaked and Arya growled at the person who had bumped into us.

"Watch it!" I said, my eyes widening slightly as I recognized Jackson. "What are you doing here?"

"Doing my rounds, some of the soldiers were asked to join security and guard the area," he shrugged, seeming unfazed by my slightly annoyed tone, "some people still don't like the aliens, you know? Better to prevent-"

"Than to lament," I sighed, "yeah...thanks, I guess," I eyed him, "are you sure you ain't following me around like a creep though?"

"Absolutely sure," he said, crossing his arms, "are you sure you aren't the one following me?"

"What would I want with you? I don't see any reason why I'd be following you around of all humans," I said, crossing my arms as well, "you don't have anything I want, and besides, you seem quite the boring person"

He gasped dramatically.

"How dare you insult me like that! I am anything but boring," he said.

"Oh really? So you admit to being a creep that follows me around as well?" I grinned.

"I never said that," he protested in a bit of a more serious tone now.

"You said 'I'm anything but boring', therefore you admit to being a creep," I pointed out.

"That's not what I meant," he said, placing his hands on his hips in frustration.

"Yeah? Then prove it," I dared, furrowing my brows.

"Alright then, tomorrow at 5 in the cafeteria on the second floor. I'll prove I am not a creep, and we'll see how interesting you find me after you get to know me"

"And how do I know this isn't a complicated plan to kidnap me instead?" I asked.

"You don't know, but it doesn't hurt to try new things now does it?"

...Well he had a point.

However, I merely shrugged and waved goodbye. I heard him chuckle and walk away as I headed to Ratch's lot. Arya huffed and climbed into my shoulder to watch him leave, while an unbothered Rory curled up on the opposite shoulder and yawned.

Ratchet began working on putting the chips on both of them after finishing with Razor, who had pretty much behaved despite the stinging sensation the needle probably left. It was harder to keep Arya and Rory under control however as they could shift from small to big in no time at all, and boy did they transform. Ratchet had a very hard time with them: the two squirmed and wriggled under his grasp, on occasion even biting one of his hands. Luckily it was nothing lethal and in the end, he managed to put the chips on them.

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