Chapter 8 - Photo of Captain William Aubrey

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Dedicated to SugarTheReader for your very nice and interesting comments on this story :) Thank you :)

The picture on the side is how I imagine Captain Aubrey to look - those eyes!



Chapter Eight

It wasn’t that long before they arrived at their church. The congregation was gathered outside before Reverend Preston would admit them. The church was a lovely white building with gorgeous stone steps leading up to the main building. From the skies it looked like a cross so that when God looked down he would know it was a holy building ... or so Kitty had been told.

Kitty spotted her youngest sister chatting with a few of the other ladies animatedly. To see Annie being so social made Kitty and the rest of her family know that Joseph was perfect for her. Before him she was so shy and introverted, and now she enjoyed striking up conversations with people and being her delightful charming self around those that she had previously shied away from.

The driver helped the three young ladies from the carriage and they all made a beeline for the smiling Annie. Since marrying she had dressed a little more conservatively, especially as she was the reverend’s wife, but she was still just as little and lovely as ever. Annie was the image of their mother. Her hair was the exact shade of gold and her eyes were a delicious chocolate brown. She had the same shaped figure as Emilia which Kitty was envious of. She wished she was voluptuous like her sister and her mother but she wasn’t at all.

As they walked through the crowd of people, Kitty could feel eyes on her, questioning eyes. She was both marvelled and disgusted by how fast gossip travelled in London.

“Annie!” Little J exclaimed as they neared her. They caught their sister’s attention and she immediately excused herself from her conversation.

Annie beamed at her sisters and her cousin as she came over and hugged every one of them. She was wearing a soft, black gown with feminine lace trim as well as a matching bonnet. A few wayward tendrils hung beneath her bonnet but for the most part her blonde hair was pinned up.

“I was beginning to think that you wouldn’t come!” Annie exclaimed. “I read over Joseph’s sermon this morning and it is anything but dull. I truly think you’ll all find it invigorating!”

Kitty rolled her eyes. “Darling, even the word sermon sounds dull. I just wish I had a pillow so that I could get some extra sleep.”

Annie smirked at her elder sister. “I know even you will love this one. Please be kind, he puts so much effort in every week – it’s not that simple to make religion entertaining you know.”

Kitty smiled and hugged Annie again. “I know it isn’t,” she conceded.  “I’ve missed you, Annie, you’ve been spending all your time with Little J and none with me,” Kitty complained just to unnerve Little J.

Annie’s brown eyes widened as she turned to Little J. “How many times have we seen each other this week, Little J?” she asked her sister. Kitty knew Annie didn’t know what Little J was up to, but she was covering for her as she was a good sister.

“I think about four,” Little J recalled.

Sabine giggled. “Seriously, the secrets you all have. My mama would have found this out by now ... but perhaps it is because you cannot hide anything in my house with two younger brothers.”

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