Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

For Kitty, that week passed all too fast. Before she knew it, it was Wednesday and it was time for the ton to get together once again to farewell the naval troops who were going to be gone for quite some time.

True to his word, Sebastian had kept the Alcott family home from the several parties and dinners that they had been invited to and Kitty silently thanked him for it. The time spent at home was the time she spent with her fiancée and that time had been uncomfortable thanks to a conversation Kitty had had with Evangeline.  

News of Lady Kitty Alcott’s quick engagement to the Captain had caused quite a stir. Rumours were flying about town suggesting that the Captain was being a gentleman after Sir Walter had ‘soiled’ Lady Kitty, others said that Sebastian had paid the Captain handsomely to wed his ruined daughter just in case she was with child.

Immediately after it was announced, Evangeline had called on Kitty to hear all the gossip. William had been blind sighted by the sudden appearance of the energetic Lady Evangeline who had dragged Kitty away from him.

Evangeline was a frequent guest of Kitty’s so she knew their house well. Before Kitty had known she was up the stairs and shut in her bedchamber.

“Charles and I have never been alone in a room together, let alone had the chance to discuss marriage!” she had exclaimed. “How could you have kept such information hidden from me? I thought I was your best friend!”

Kitty had rolled her eyes at the exasperated looking Evangeline. “You are, Eva,” she had assured her. “It all happened so quickly. At first I loathed him, then that hate turned to admiration and the admiration transformed into love. Come to think of it, I really think I’ve loved him all this time. He is the most magnificent man I’ve ever known.”

Evangeline had squealed with glee and she’d hugged her friend tightly. “Oh, my darling, I am so happy for you!” she’d cheered. “But alas, does he not depart Friday?”

Kitty had nodded. “Yes, this is why our impromptu nuptials are planned for Thursday morning.” She’d smiled warmly at Evangeline. “Eva, will you be my maid of honour?”

Evangeline’s hazel eyes had widened. “Are you sure?” she’d gasped. “Your sisters ...”

“My sisters will be bridesmaids also,” Kitty had finished her sentence. “Eva, you are my best friend. Granted we’ve misbehaved together, but we’ve shared every secret and now I want you to be standing with me at my wedding as I will wish to stand beside you at yours.”

Tears had filled Evangeline’s eyes and she hugged Kitty once more. “Oh, I wish you a lifetime of happiness, my dear Kitty. Is it possible that everything could work out so perfectly for you?”

“I doubt it will be perfect, nothing is perfect, I’m sure there are tumultuous waters ahead but it is nothing we can’t handle,” Kitty had replied.

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