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Cypress had felt strangely hollow when Roman and Jonathan had left for a mission, in a way, their first mission as recruits, without the rest of the team.

She knew it was what Mira and Minx considered punishment, and it wasn't a choice they had made. But, when Roman came back to bring the trainers to see the newfound body, she decided this time Matias and she had to come along as well.

"Please," Cypress said. "This is the team we're talking about. It only makes sense for all of us to be there."

Mira was too distracted to listen to her, though.

"The townspeople found a body!" She was telling Minx. "This is it, they've always been a little bit wary of the Blood Drinkers, and now they're really going to blame it on us..."

"With all due respect," Cypress cut in. "It sounded more suspicious back when the only drained body was buried in our garden. Now, at least, the crimes are spread in other areas..."

"You're right," Matias said. "But you also know how quickly people can jump to conclusions... I fear anything blood-related is going to make them point their fingers at us."

"One more reason for us to go," Cypress pleaded. "What if Jonathan's cover is blown? We need to stick around for each other."

"It was really the worst idea for a detention," Mira sighed. "And, honestly, as soon as I realized things were getting dangerous, I thought I could at least spare you two from this test, seeing as you're all new recruits. But I do agree that your team needs you there."

"Jonathan and I made a mistake," Roman said suddenly. "He should have been the one to come back to the castle. During the time I'd been away, I could soothe the people there, try to see if there was anything to do for the spirit of the departed. Maybe they'd become a Dybbuk, too..."

"Don't worry about it," Minx said. "You would have just blown your cover, and, once you've seen a Dybbuk, your powers should be able to sense whether there is another one around. This time, the dead weren't holding a grudge over their death, it seems. Or perhaps they already found their path to the light on their own."

Cypress still felt strange when such talks were made. She knew little about the supernatural, and she marveled that Minx Morris, despite not being a Speaker, often seemed knowledgeable about the topic. She remembered he had even taught Roman the ropes for a while.

She would have liked to become one of the Blood Drinkers that had been around long enough to pick up a little bit of everything that concerned their world.

When they went back to the spot where Jonathan and Roman had agreed to meet, it was harder for the Speaker to keep up with the rest of the group and not spring on Jonathan's side. Cypress thought he would want to know what, if anything, had happened while he wasn't there.

She, on the other hand, decided to remain closer to Matias until she knew more about the situation.

Jonathan gestured to the people that were waiting outside a house. It wasn't a shack like the ones where poor people lived, but it was humble enough.

"They kept the body inside," he explained. "I had to explain to them I was a Blood Drinker, otherwise they would never stop being skeptical about my flaunting of my personal knowledge of the great Mira Abas and Minx Morris," he smirked at them.

"They didn't take it that bad," he assured them. "Especially once I've told them the idea to have a cover had been a direct order from King Amaranth."

"Jonathan!" Mira hissed, but she sounded relieved that the townspeople weren't mad at Blood Drinkers poking around.

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