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Matias found himself suddenly interested in the lessons when, one day, the trainers mentioned the different properties of animal blood.

"It's not only the blood," Mira explained. "A unicorn's horn, if pulverized, can cure venom. Of course, we only expect you to get it from a dead animal, so it wouldn't need its horn anyway."

Jason scoffed at that, but Matias decided to pay him no mind.

Cypress held up her hand. "Does the blood of unicorns have properties, instead?"

Just when Cypress asked this question, the lesson was over. Even though Matias had time to comment, "No, no it doesn't."

Cypress turned to look at him. "Thank you. How did you know that?"

Matias found out he didn't want to tell the truth, for once. It would be hard to explain how Athanasios had written him a letter telling him that this lesson would be in the curriculum of the first year of training, and to read about it beforehand.

At that moment, the door opened before the recruits could leave the room.

It was the last person Matias wanted to see.

"Matias," Athanasios said. "I was actually looking for you."

"Were you?" Matias didn't really care if his tone came off as cold. Besides their mutual interest in him joining the Court, whatever affection he and Athanasios shared remained in the past.

Especially the feelings Matias had fooled himself, long ago, that his master was able to feel.

"Do not reply to me like that, your trainers are well aware of your position in society," Athanasios said, making Matias slightly wince. "Come with me."

When Matias made no sign to move from his desk, Athansios entered the room and grabbed Matias' sleeve. The tear in his jacket ripped a few seams, becoming more visible.

"Now," Athanasios growled. "When I command you to do something, what do you say?"

"Yes sir," Matias whispered, knowing his friends were looking at him with shocked and horrified looks.

"Wrong," Athansios said, syrupy sweet. "You don't say yes because I'm not asking."

To Minx Morris' surprise, Athanasios decided to borrow his office for his talk with Matias.

"If I feel like it," he announced to the other tutor. "I will call Jason too. For now, the slave will have to do."

"Well, hello, Matvei," Athanasios said, calling Matias with his birth name.

"What?" he added. "You're short of words today. Doesn't your fine intellect tell you what I am here to do?"

"I've never claimed I had a fine intellect, I know my limits," Matias said. "As should everyone," he added, for good measure.

"Well, then you claim you are better than most," Athanasios replied. "And if you don't think yourself clever, then, pray tell, why would you want to join politics? It's already a very steep hill to climb for someone in your situation. But please, do not fool me. You probably started spouting political and philosophical ideas when you learnt how to talk. You already knew those things when I bought you. It was part of the price I paid -- it made for an entertaining dinner."

"If they are entertained," Matias said. "I'm not doing it well."

"Did you know that your physical beauty made you very expensive? Now, as you listen to what I'm telling you, think about the destiny I surely spared you from. There's a reason the market values those things."

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