Chapter 15

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I had just arrived home walking up to my front door unlocking it

I closed the door looking for the light switch on the wall

I turned on the light and heard a voice in my living room that gave me chills

"long time no see" Chris said

I turned around looking at him

"what no hi, hello, how you doing" he said walking up to me

"what do you want" I said

"naw let's talk about you" he said touching me

"what about me" I said pushing him off

"you've been busy, I'll give you credit yo small ass did give that nigga Jay a hell of a beat down" he said circling around me

"he told you it was me" I asked confused

"naw the moment he mentioned your love for knifes I knew it was you" he said putting his hands on my waist

"please remove your hands off of me" I said

"now Ma you use to like when I touched you like this" he said

I quickly lifted my foot grabbing the small knife I kept in my shoe and sliced both of his arms making him take his hands off of me

"I'm not the same girl I use to be" I said pointing my knife at him

"sure you are, your the same broken girl you were when we met" he said chuckling

"fuck you" I said

"so your telling me that the night you watched your twin brother get shot in the head don't still haunt you" he said

"shut up Chris" I said

"his brain's going everywhere as you watched him die instantly and your own pops watched it happen" he said walking closer to me

"Chris please stop" I said

"naw your not the same girl right so what's the problem" he said managing to take the knife from me

I was literally stuck and couldn't even think straight

"see I knew you were still my girl" he whispered in my ear

he was still talking to me but I was now so tuned out that I wasn't listening

I heard someone tell him to back the fuck up and that's when I come back to reality

it was my uncle holding a gun to his head

Chris did what he was told

"drop the knife nigga" uncle Calvin said to him

"now try to give me a good reason on why I shouldn't kill yo ass right now" he said

"don't do it" I said

"what" he said

"trust me on this one unk don't kill em" I said

he looked at me for a minute before nodding his head

"get the fuck out of here and if I see yo ass up in here again her opinion won't matter to me" he said pushing him towards the door

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