Chapter 1

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Zera Hamilton watched the figure sleeping in the bed. His chest moved rhythmically as he slept soundly.
 Finally! This would go a long way to clearing her debt. She turned her attention to the ornate chest.


Reaching into her hair she retrieved a pair of small pointed pieces of metal. With experienced fingers, she worked at the lock.

“prey do tell, what do you expect to find?”
Hamilton’s eyes shot to the bed. It was empty. Where the fuck was he?

“Tsk tsk tsk.” She stiffened as she felt the unmistakable chill of a knife against her throat. Her hand instantly moved to her own blade.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Not if you want to keep your throat intact.”
His breath was warm as he spoke softly into her ear, Her hand stilled.
“good girl.” He snapped his fingers and she squinted as light flooded the room.
“Interesting.” He mused. She felt his hand on her waist.
“turn around.” He ordered. “slowly.”  He kept the blade to her throat as she moved to face him. As she turned, he walked her into the wall. Forcing her to press her back to it.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the man before her. Dam! He was naked... not a Single scrap of clothing in sight. Although she had been trying to get into this place for weeks, this was the first time she had actually seen her target. She hated to admit it, but this guy was not unfortunate in the looks department.  his skin was a Pale alabaster, his  muscular chest hairless. Fine lines accentuated his pectorals.

 “Do you like what you see?” he smirked, cocking his head to one side.

Hamilton refused to look anywhere but his face. Her eyes locked onto his emerald ones.
“i can tell by your reaction that you do.” Natural curiosity made her want to look down, but she fought the urge and remained silent. He pressed the blade a little harder into her neck.
“well, I can’t allow you to have these.” his gaze turned to the the weapons she wore at her waist. Hamiltons jaw tightened as he removed both her daggers.
“Tell me pretty little theif.  What did you come to steal from me?’
She continued to keep her mouth closed. He pressed the blade harder, just enough to nick her flesh, the woman’s breath caught as a thin line of red began to appear across her jugular.
“A gem.” She answered with disdain. “a big, fucking gem.”
“i see.” He mused. “And why would you want that?”

Again she didn't speak. The pressure on her throat increased. she could feel the blade bite into her skin now. 

Fuck! This guy was serious.

“To clear a God dam debt.” She grumbled.
“Must be a big debt to risk your life stealing from me.” He leaned in close. “How much do you owe?”
“That has nothing to do with you.”
“Oh, it does. Especially when you wake me creeping into my chamber’s in the middle of the night. How much?”
Her lips remained sealed.
“How... Much?” he repeated. He was so close she could see the striations in his striking veridian eyes.
“Im not telling you.” She said defiantly.
“Hmmm.” His eyes searched her face, she was not going to give in.
“what am I going to do with a pretty little thing like you?” he moved his head back so he could observe her.
"I was going to call my guards and have you thrown in the cells," he tilted his head again. "But no, I don't think I will now."
She swallowed and cracked a smile.
“you could let me go.”
“Why ever would I do that?” he asked. before she could respond he continued, "I'm not sure what to do with you just yet, but letting you go isn’t one of them.”
“Aww come on,” she tried again.
"No," he said thoughtfully, "I’m going to have some fun with you,”
“we could play hide and seek.” She offered.
“So you could escape? No.” His lips curved into a mischievous grin. “you have intrigued me pet.”
“It’s very uncivilised to hold a knife to a lady’s throat you know.”
“that may be, but a lady does not sneak into a gentleman’s chambers to steal from him.”
She opened her mouth to speak. But she was silenced as loki placed his finger to her forehead. “Sleep my pretty little thing.” The woman’s eyes closed and She crumpled before him. Unconscious.

Loki pursed his lips, this little thief was... Interesting. He knelt down and effortlessly lifted her up and carried her to the bed. His eyes were drawn to her cleavage as he lay her down. He looked at her. Really looked at her, he had to admit she was attractive. He felt his trousers tighten a little as he observed her. She wore dark leathers that looked like they had been moulded to her body. The tight material hugged her form, fitting closely around the base of her neck. He tutted at the thin line of blood that now marked her throat, he saw a silver chain tucked into the tight fitting leather and gently tugged at it, pulling it free. His mouth curved into a smile. Upon the chain were three keys, clearly master keys able to open many locks. He tugged again, snapping the chain this time. His eyes swept down over her body. His smile widened as he saw the outline of a small knife hidden in a fold of clothing.

“sneaky little thief, what else do you have hidden, I wonder?” he removed the knife, a small dagger. It was unsheathed and wrapped in a way it could be easily removed without injuring herself. His eyes turned to her leather clad legs, surely there was no room in that tight leather for anything, but he still patted her down. Finding nothing he placed the dagger and her chain on the table. He was drawn to her face. She wore a woollen black cap. The only part of her body he hadn’t searched.  A red curl had worked loose over her left ear. Curious he reached forward and pulled the hat from her head. Dark crimson hair fell onto his pillow bound into a long braid. He tilted his head, observing her. Something about that braid looked odd. He reached down and felt it. “you are full of surprises.” He chuckled.

Unable to remove the item, Loki untied the thick band holding the braid together and loosened her firey locks. The item was in fact three slender lock picks, wrapped with a simple red thread to match her hair. That to was placed with her other items.

 His interested gaze turned back to the unconscious woman. That wound annoyed him. His fingertips glowed with a pale green light as he gently traced the line of blood. The thin red line disappeared as he healed it.
 “much better,” he mused.
 He watched her. Her chest moved slowly but rhythmically, Her dark hair lay mussed over his pillow, her lips slightly open as she slept. he bushed a strand of hair from her face. “interesting.” He mused again. An image of her beneath him, came unbidden to his mind. She was writhing as his lips locked with hers.

He sighed adjusting himself as his body reacted to the image. “It really has been to long.” He said aloud.
Loki placed a knee on the bed and straddled the woman. A coil of rope appeared next to her head as he pulled her wrists up to the headboard. He bound them to the bed above her head. His hands trailed over her body, searching for anything he may have missed the first time. Another coil of rope appeared as he secured her ankles.

He turned to the table and examined the woman’s weapons. One was the standard knife. Dull silver blade, a blood channel running down the centre and the hilt bound in black leather, the smaller one he had removed from the hidden wrapping on her chest was similar to the first in that it’s hilt was black, but the blood channel had been replaced with a thin silt, spitting the blade in two, a strange substance seamed to coat the thin channel. Small enough to be hidden in the palm of her hand, it was clearly designed to be used in a dire situation. The remaining dagger was the one that intrigued him though. It was black, matt black. no shine on it at all. A blood channel ran the full length of the dark blade, the worn hilt bound in smooth black leather. The perfect assassination weapon. He placed it back down on the table and sat down to wait for the woman to wake up.

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