Chapter 2

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Zera woke feeling incredibly rested. Well, she felt rested until she realised she couldn’t move. She opened her eyes to find her captor staring at her. He looked amused. Studying her as a scientist would study a mouse.

“Hello pretty little thief.”  
Hamilton tugged at her bonds testing them.
“What do you want from me?” she asked.
“Hmmm, now that is a good question. There are many things I want from you, but for now your name will do.” She remained silent.
“You will tell me in time.” He smirked.
“Sure, that’s if I tell you the right one.”
“Id know if you were lying.” He winked
“Sure, you would.” She moved her wrist, trying to ease an itch.
“I know a thing or two about lies. I am the god of lies after all.”
“Uh huh,” she nodded.
“Well, I know you’ve already lied to me. You did not come here searching for a gem, did you?”
“Would I lie with a knife held to my throat?”
“You did though little theif, I heard you.”

The woman rolled her eyes.

“As much as I would like to carry on with this little chat, I am needed elsewhere this eve. We will continue this when I return.” And bang on cue, there was a loud bang on lokis door.

“Coming brother.” He called and left the room without a second glance. The second the door closed she twisted her hands against each other loosening the rope that held her hands to the bed. One quick tug and she had freed one hand. The other soon followed. Thankfully, he had tied the knots quite sloppily, she easily untied the ropes around her ankles. She walked over to the table and retrieved her weapons, returning them to her belt. She picked up the keys, cussing at the broken chain she slipped them into her bra. Taking the lock picks in hand she turned to the chest. It wasn’t even locked. The chest opened to reveal three items of jewellery, Clearly all part of a matching set. She paid no heed to the large Crescent shape gem attached to a gold chain, nor was she interested in the ornate cuff that sparkled as the light hit it. She was here for one thing and one thing alone. The item she had came for sat on a small cushion before her. A small diadem, made from interlocking white stones, attached with silver loops, a large green gem was set in the centre. It could easily have been mistaken for a choker. She pulled a cloth from her pocket and wrapped the diadem with it. That to was slipped down her cleavage.

Now to escape.

She tried the door. Locked, of course it would be locked. Hamilton tried everything, the keys, lock pick. Everything.

Nothing worked.

She would wait for him to return then, catch him unaware and force him to let her go, it wouldn’t be the first time she had been forced to resort to this measure. She moved into position behind his door. And waited.
While she waited, she finally took in the room. It was luxurious, the room furnished in shades of gold, green and black. Rather audacious for a man’s room she thought. Silk cushions scattered his huge bed, if he wasn’t such an arrogant arsehole, she might have played with him on that bed.

His loss.

His table was black, the chairs upholstered in gold fabric. There was a tall wooden wardrobe, a floor length mirror next to it and a large bookcase.
She waited. And she waited. She so wanted to grab a book and read but she had to wait for his return.  Out of boredom She took to reciting poetry she had learnt as a kid.

She stopped.

She heard it again, yes. definitely voices. His voice, she unsheathed her black dagger and readied herself. As the door opened Zera placed her blade at his throat.
“Don’t… move…”
“Wouldn’t dream of it little pet,”
“Close the door,” she hissed. The man obeyed her order.
“You have me at your mercy.” He smirked.
she pressed her blade tighter to his neck, and he stiffened as he felt the tip of the other knife in the small of his back.
“It would appear I do. Move to the bed. Slowly.”
“Certainly.” He replied amicably.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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