Part 6 (Zhepry Heights)

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(Y/S) Your scent

Y/n POV:
Me, Sunny, and Izzy are walking in a middle of no where I'm kinda scared i feel like some pony is watching us

"You know, not to freak you guys out or anything, but you do know Pegasi can steal your luminescence don't you" Izzy told us its shivers down my spine
"Our Lumi-what?" Me and Sunny ask at the same time
"Luminescence, you know, like your sparkle yours is..... Lavender, and Y/n you are Y/S" Izzy told us

"Huh?" Sunny looked confused and I'm surprised that Izzy know my scent
"Sunny when your happier, The brighter it shines!, and Y/n you always be there for every pony, your brave and a strong heart, you have a heart of a hero, and your spirit will never fall" Izzy told us

"Wow" me and sunny are amazed
"I mean she's not wrong you know" Sunny leaned to me

And we heard a sound from the sky, it so foggy i can't see anything
We look at each in fear
We heard something from behind us
We turned back there was nothing there
Now we heard something above us
And rocks falling we ran away screaming
We look back they're something or some pony following us

"Hurry" Sunny screamed
We gasped there was a bunch of rocks and boulders blocking us
We stoped in front of the giant full of rocks and boulders, I saw Izzy started climbing, Sunny looked behind and that's definitely somepony was following

Sunny pushed further Izzy I climbed behind them
Sunny and Izzy finally made it to the top and I wasn't lucky
I look behind the mystery pony was behind me
I slipped " Y/N!" i though I was gonna die when Sunny and Izzy grabbed my hooves they both pulled me up
We both gasped and sigh of relief

"Thanks guys" i thanked them "No problem Y/n" Sunny told me
We both looked down if we saw the strange pony again but they're gone
We both sigh then we say a Pegasi flying right in front of us

We both scream but i didn't i was mesmerized by the pegasi's wings
They're so beautiful
The Pegasi came down by the rocks and do some moves in each rocks
When's the Pegasi done making moves she looked at us with serious expression and opened her wings

We gasped I said "A real Pegasus"
"Whoa, a unicorn and two earth ponies? Together? Ok, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting" the Pegasi told us
And we heard sound of clanking noises
The Pegasi gasped  "Don't tell them you saw me" then fly down

"There's no way we could! We don't even know your name! She seems nice" Izzy told us
"Yea and you just make my ears lost hearing" my ears went down
"Oh I'm so sorry" Izzy frowned a little
And one Pegasi guard screams "Thunder, get it together" one guard told him
"But-but they are earth ponies" Thunder said is that his name maybe, my ears are still hurt
"They're harmless" and the brave guard told us

"They have very tiny brains" i glared a dagger at him, "What do we do about that?" Thunder asked and Izzy smiled soo happy
"Well did you bring the shield?" The blue is purple guard ask "What shield?" Thunder ask
"Didn't read the guard guide?" There's a guard guide? That's so weird "Yes, okay no" he sounds like sprout
"Oh fine" The purple guard rolled his eyes
"I've got this" opened his wings and walked towards us

"Well that's creative" Izzy looked at her horn which is a 'shield' I rolled my eyes
"You called that a shield?" I asked the purple guard "Yes" and made a straight face "That's a tennis ball" i told him "And how do you about that?" The purple guard asked me angrily "Is there a guide about normal life?" The guard stayed silent "No?" He told me "Then ask your stupid leader to make a guide about life" The guard stayed silent again
Okay I love Zephyr Heights but sometimes they gave me bad nerves

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