Part 14 (Show them who you are)

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I woke and look around I was in the forest like the last time. What.. How did I came in here? I stand as I heard a vocalizing sound then a small light came out from the door and speed towards me and starts to play with me and I giggled

And another vocalizing was heard from the inside the small light speed towards in front of the door and told me to come inside "I hear you, and I'm coming"

You : bold

Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold...
Something is familiar
Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold
I can sense you there

I slowly walked towards the cottage and I went to the steps and stare at the door was slightly open

Like a friend I've always known...

I walked inside and it looks like a cave it's so dark and then the light went in front of me and lead me where I have to go

I'm arriving...
And it feels like I am home..

The light leads me the cave became more beautiful dandelions were hanging above me and roses are my left and right as my hoofs are now not touching the hard cold ground but softes grass I felt in my life

I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside

The flowers are now sparkling like diamonds softly flickering around me

You have secrets too
But you don't have to hide...
Show yourself

The flowers sparkled to the beat as I laughed

I'm dying to meet you
Show yourself
It's your turn
Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life?...
Show Yourself...
I'm ready to learn...


My eyes widen as the light is now going away from as I run to follow it

I've never felt so certain
All my life I've been torn...
But I'm here for a reason, could it be the reason I was born?
I have always been so different normal rules did not apply
Is this the day?
Are you the way?
I finally found out why..
Show Yourself!

I stomp my hoofs as the rock solid door was in front of me now cracked and revealed a big hallway with a lot of glass wall with ponies in it

I'm no longer trembling
Here I am I've come so far
You are the answer I've waited for
All of my life...
Oh, Show Yourself

The glass in front of me cracked Itself and revealed but a black room and the small light is now not here with me I started hesitating myself, I took a deep breath and went inside

Let me see who you are...
Come to me now

Now the light turn teal I look behind me and saw a pegasi flying and turn into the pegasi crystal

Open your door

A dark blue unicorn ran passed me and looked at me then turned into the unicorn crystal

Don't make me wait

A white light pony ran pass from my right and gave me a bow then turned into the pony crystal

One moment more
Oh, come to me now
Open your door

I lifted the crystals up to set them together

Cԋιʅԃԋσσԃ Lσʋҽ (𝓗𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓣) Where stories live. Discover now