Chapter Two

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(Her bikini)

Orla's P.O.V

By the time we make it up to the dressing room the girls are finished getting ready, so me, Ekin-su and Afia try to get ready quickly. Ekin-su gets changed into a pink gym set, causing me to look at her and say '' You getting ready for your gym date babe?'' before laughing with Afia joining in. Ekin-su repiles saying '' I know your being funny but I actually am excited.'' I then say '' Awh, babes thats cute. But for real everyone will be watching you guys.''

I then get changed into my pale pink bikini with a darker pink lipstick print on it before doing suncream and stuff, I just brush through my hair leaving it down. I then head down to the kitchen with Ekin-su to fill my waterbottle before she starts to talk to Davide and I don't see Afia anywhere causing me to look around and sit with the rest of the girls.

As I walk over Paige says '' Hi-ya babe'' causing me to smile and say hi back and sitting on the grass. Tasha then asks me '' You not trying to graft anyone?'' I reply saying '' Nah, not right now. I'm honestly still not fully awake, I'd say I'm 60% awake. Me trying to graft right now would be like a zombie talking to ya, you just wouldn't be able to understand it.'' causing all the girls to start laughing.

I then say '' So how are you girls? How was your night and everything? I know having new girls in isn't great.'' causing Indiyah to say '' No honestly, it's not the best but it's early days you know, and no one is married off so everyone is just getting to know everyone. We think that you and Afia are lovely but Ekin-su is a bit....'', I then finsh the thought '' Full on?'' causing the girls to agree, I then say '' I think she is very forward, but I think she will calm down as her time in here goes on, you get me?''

We then switch topics and start talking about peoples couples and how they are feeling about the other boys in the villa. After a while Ekin-su comes over saying '' How's it going ladies. Is it pink club?'' causing Paige to say '' On Sunday's we wear pink.'' in a sing song joking way, making me laugh a bit. Ekin-su then sits down on one of the heart shaped things we pulled over earlier, while saying ''Think I'm gonna pop to the gym now, but thought I might as well say hi.''

Paige then asks her '' How's your morning been so far?'' causing Ekin-su to say '' really good, how's yours?'' Paige then answers saying ''Chill''. Amber then asks Ekin-su '' How are you feeling this morning?'', Ekin-su answers with '' I feel fine, just energetic. Just ready for anything that comes my way. Bring it on'' causing Amber to start laughing a bit awkwardly before saying '' No don't worry, we're not-'' before Ekin-su cuts her off saying '' No guys i'm not aiming at you lot, okay, alright, i'm here to make friends as well.'' Causing me and Paige to pull a face as she has said the opposite just last night. She continues saying ''I'm just saying, like, i'm not bothered with... any drama that comes my way, or if anything happens. I don't want you to get the wrong perception of me.''

Tasha then says '' I feel like everything is super chill, just like last night really, it's just like, yeah, obviously i'm getting to know Andrew a bit more still and then i'm getting to know Luca a little bit as well.'' Paige then jumps in saying '' things have been going well with Luca, like we have good chat, we havegood bed time chats and things, it's nice.'' Ekinn-su then asks her '' Do you guys cuddle a lot?'' causing Paige to say '' Yeah.'' Ekin then says '' really?'' causing Paige to elaborate saying ''Footies, bit of cuddling.''

Ekin-su then says '' I didn't see you cuddling last night.'' causing me to look straight ahead and start laughing silently before I see Gemma do the same thing leading us to laugh harder. Paige then replies saying ''No, it's much more under the cover bits, you know.'' Ekin-su then says '' I didn't see that, I was awake.'' before they both let out a short fake laugh, Ekin then continues saying '' No I'm joking. Yeah, okay, cool. Right i'm going to go to the gym. See you later.'' before she walks away.

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