Chapter 1

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The night was quiet and Rose was sleeping peaceful in her older sisters arms. Y/n was humming Rose to sleep while her father, Ethan was cleaning the rooms. Mia adopted Y/n as her child after the events of Eveline.

Their relationship prior to that was nonexistent. After that they had a bond with one another. Lately Y/n has noticed her mother acting differently. She has been obsessed with Rose way more than what she was before. It was almost like she was a different person.

Her father didn't seem to notice so Y/n didn't say anything about it. Mia was cooking dinner and Ethan got done cleaning.

"Is she asleep?" Ethan asked walking up to Y/n.

"Yes, she is sound asleep." Y/n smiled as she gave Rose to her father.

"Go help you mom with dinner while I put your sister in her bed."

Y/n nodded and went for the kitchen. Mia was stirring whatever was in the pot. Y/n stood next to her mother and watched her finish dinner. While Y/n was watching, Mia was glancing over at Y/n.

"Mom? Do you need my help with anything?" Y/n asked.

"Um, yeah. Can you set the table please?"

Y/n nodded and grabbed three plates, napkins, and silverware. Y/n made the table neat and nice. Mia just got done with the stew and Ethan came down from putting Rose to bed. Ethan questioned Mia on why she insists on reading the creepy story to Rose. Her response every time was because it was a local story.

Y/n didn't like dinner time very much because Ethan would always bring up the Eveline incident. Y/n has noticed that Mia got way more defensive on that subject. Y/n was surprised that her father hasn't noticed or pointed out Mia's recent behavior.

A small argument broke out. Y/n sighed and crossed her arms and rested her head on them. As Mia was speaking the lights suddenly went out. Y/n shot her head up. Everyone looked around and Y/n was ready to bolt to Rose and protect her. Mia suddenly got shot which made Y/n scream and fall back onto the floor. Ethan held onto Y/n as the sound of footsteps came closer to the pair and then the table got pushed aside.

There stood Chris Redfield. The last person Y/n was expecting to see.

"Chris!? What the hell!" Ethan shouted.

Chris looked at Ethan and then and Mia. Chris shot Mia a few more times before Y/n's attention went to the sound of Rose crying.


Y/n shot up and jabbed her hand into the necks of the people who got in her way.

"Y/n! Stop!" Chris shouted pointing the gun at her.

Y/n swiftly turned to face Chris.

"Why are you doing this!?" Y/n demanded.

"Just calm down." Chris said calmly.

"Calm down!? Are you out of your mind!? You are taking my sister and you tell me to calm down!?"

There was no way in hell Y/n was going to calm down and Chris knew that. So, he pulled the trigger and a small syringe was in Y/n's neck. Y/n's eyes got blurry and she fell to the floor out like a light.

Y/n fluttered her eyes open as the cold hit her face. Y/n sat up and held her head as she looked around. An accident happened which made Y/n worry. Was Rose okay? Her father and mother? Y/n got up and brushed the snow off her dark blue jeans. Y/n made sure her flintlock pistols were still behind her back. Thankfully they were and Y/n let out a sigh of relief. Observing the situation, Y/n saw footprints leading into the woods. Y/n bent down to examine them and noticed one of them were the shape of heels and the other boots.

The boot prints were bigger than the heel prints.

"Dad and someone else went this way." Y/n whispered.

Y/n knew her father's boot prints from anywhere. Wasting no time Y/n followed the trail. The eerie silence and tall trees were something. Y/n felt like she was being watched from the darkness. The more Y/n walked into the forest the more eerie it got. Dead crows were hung up in wire and they were scattered all over the ground.

Wanting to leave the dead crows behind, Y/n pushed forward only for something to run past her making her stop dead in her tracks.

"What the hell."

Y/n shook her head and went on till she saw a house that has been destroyed. Y/n continued to follow the footsteps until she saw the most breath taking view. A castle stood tall over looking the village that laid below. Y/n focused on going down the hill without snapping her ankles. The village was in ruin and no one was around at all. It was like a ghost town. Howling in the distance got Y/n's attention and it triggered her fight or flight.

Y/n was ready to fight, she knew how to fight really well. Y/n is a bioweapon that goes under every radar. You can't tell if she is one till it's too late. Y/n followed the howls in hopes of finding someone. Instead she found a blood trail that led deeper into the village.

Y/n bent down and dabbed two fingers into the blood. She put the blood covered fingers in her mouth and knew right away that it was her father's. Y/n's eyes flashed blood red before going back to gray.

"Dad, I hope you are okay."

Y/n followed the blood trail that led to the castle. There was what appears to be a merchant of sorts.

"Ah! Hello young lady! Who might you be?"

"Have you seen a man walk through here?" Y/n asked ignoring the man's question.

"Ahh, I assume you mean Ethan Winters? Why are you looking for him?" The man asked.

"I'm Y/n Winters, Ethan's daughter. So, why do you you think I'm looking for him?" Y/n said crossing her arms.

"Aha! I see! You two do look similar but are you really planning on following your father into castle Dimitrescu? Without any weapons no less." The man said.

"Who said I didn't have any weapons. You asked who I was, mind telling me who you are?"

"Oh please forgive my rudeness! I'm known as the Duke. I'm a merchant but something tells me you have any Lei." Duke said.

Y/n shook her head.

"No I don't but I believe we can negotiate. If you have what I'm needing that is."

"Oh? I'm very interested in this and what are you needing?" Duke asked.

"Blood." Y/n said simply.

"Blood?" Duke blinked.

"Yes, blood." Y/n repeated.

"Now why on earth would you need blood?" Duke asked.

"It's complicated. It really is. Do you have some or not."

Duke was very curious about this woman. Nonetheless Duke smiled.

"I do but how are you going to pay me?" Duke asked.

"My dad. When he sees you again I know he will pay for it and if he doesn't I'll give you one of my weapons." Y/n said.

"Oh? That confident?" Duke said amused.

Y/n nodded.

"I'll take that deal, let me get the blood bag for you." Duke said.

What that deal boils down to is that either Ethan pays for it or Y/n does. Duke handed Y/n a blood bag and she put it into her hidden jacket pocket near her breast.

"Thank you and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again. How much by the way for the blood?"

"250 Lei." Duke said.

"Got it. I'll keep that in mind. See you around Duke." Y/n waved before she headed into the castle.

The castle that her father was currently trapped in.

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