Chapter 7

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Donna was panicked and tried to stand up in a hurry, but she got caught on the blanket and almost fell if it weren't for Y/n catching her.

"Calm down please! I just want to talk to you, peacefully and without you using your powers!" Y/n said.

Donna was breathing heavily and pushed Y/n away from her. Y/n didn't even flinch.

"W-What do you want from me?" Donna whispered.

"I want to get to know you and why are you afraid of being alone. Which I find odd. You are afraid of being alone and yet you don't like being around others. Why?"

Donna hugged Angie tightly.

"If you are wondering why I probably figured it out is because of the hallucinations you showed my dad. Most of what "Mia" said isn't something she would say at all." Y/n said taking a seat on a nearby chair.

Donna took a few more steps back. The red eyes Y/n had worried Donna.

"Are you going to kill me?" Donna asked.

"Why would I? I didn't kill Lady Dimitrescu, why would I kill you?" Y/n smiled.

"You met my sister?"

"Oh?" Y/n said most intrigued.

"She was your sister? Are you all adopted perhaps?"

"Why didn't you kill me?" Donna asked.

"Why didn't I kill you?" Y/n repeated.

"I didn't kill you because..."

Y/n was unsure if she should continue.


Y/n sighed.

"Because I'm attracted to you."

Donna flinched.

"You don't have to believe me. But everytime I touch something of yours, like your symbol or your picture in the church, my whole body shakes. Hell, even when I touched your painting my body shakes. And don't get me started on your blood, Jesus." Y/n said.

"My blood?" Donna questioned.

"You obviously know I'm not human. Don't ask me what I am because I don't know. I've lost my past memories and I think that's why I wasn't effected by you as much. Perhaps that's why you were watching me."

"So you sensed me and you suffer from memory loss?" Donna asked.

"Yep! Now, I can eat like any other person. However, I need to consume flesh and blood every now and then. I need more blood than flesh most times. Speaking of flesh, I'll need to eat that soon." Y/n said.

"So, you bit me? For my blood?" Donna questioned.

"No- Well yes but no. When I shot you I made sure you were okay. I licked your wound so it could heal. Tasting your blood made me go insane. Not only was your blood sweeter than anything I've ever tasted, but it fills me with power. That's another thing, the more I consume flesh and blood the stronger I get. I couldn't control myself and my thirst hit me and I did take your veil off so I could get a better angle." Y/n explained.

"Y-You! You took my veil off!" Donna yelled.

"Okay, calm down. I don't know why you hide your face. You look very beautiful." Y/n said softly.

This took Donna by surprise. That was the first time she heard those words.

"So, I would like to know who you are and what your role is here Lady Donna."

"Where is your father? Where did he go!" Donna demanded.

"Okay, he left with my sister's legs and probably is in the reservoir right now."

"No! No no no no! Mother is going to be so disappointed!" Donna said freaking out.

"Stop worrying about Miranda for a few moments. You may not understand why I care about you and like you so much even though we just met. But please try and relax." Y/n said.

"Do you not know what the woman is capable of doing!? She will kill your father and you without any trouble!" Donna spat.

"Kill...?" Y/n's said with wide eyes.

"Kill..." Y/n repeated.

Panic filled Y/n as her throat and chest tightened. Y/n's head started spinning and the world became a blur. Y/n fell out of the chair causing Donna to step back more in fear.

"Please don't hurt her!" Y/n cried.

"No, not the voices." Y/n whispered.

"Y/n run! You need to run! Don't worry about me! Run!" Y/n's mother screamed.

"Please stop." Y/n whispered.

Y/n watched in horror as her mother got her throat slit and the stabbed in then head. A man in a trench coat walked up to Y/n and put a cloth over her mouth. She couldn't scream and Y/n soon passed out.

Y/n came back to reality panting heavily. Everything went back to normal. No pain, no spinning, no blur, and no voices.

"Are you okay?"

Donna's soft voice made Y/n look up at her.

"No, I'm not. It never ends, but this time it was different..." Y/n said.

Y/n's eyes widened and she looked at Donna more intensely.

"You, you are helping me." Y/n breathed.

"W-What? H-How?" Donna stuttered.

"I don't know. Ever since dad left and I've been with you, I got a memory back. Just now I remembered something terrible, something I don't want to remember. But I remember and it didn't end like it always did. I ended up remembering something else."

Y/n stood straight up and grabbed Donna by the shoulders.

"Donna, listen to me. I need your help but I can't stay for long. I need to help dad. I promise when this is all over, I'll come back for you. I want to remember! I want to remember who did this to me! I want to know who killed my mom!" Y/n said with tears pouring down her face.

Donna was at a loss for words. This woman came into her home and shot her, but she healed her wound as well as removed her veil. The woman saw her face and she drank her blood. The very same woman also said she was beautiful.

Donna wasn't sure what to do. The warmth in her chest was telling her one thing and her fear was telling her something else.

"Oh just help her already!"

Y/n quickly moved away from Donna.

"The hell? You were so quiet and now you speak?" Y/n said looking at the now moving doll.

"For your information Donna was the one who woke me up because she is so damn indecisive. I'm Angie by the way. Nice to meet you, Y/n." Angie snickered.

"Okay, nice to meet you too, Angie."

"Come on Donna! Just help her out! I know you want toooo!" Angie said in a teasing tone.

"Angie stop it!" Donna scolded.

"Oh come on Donna! You want to help her so badly because she made you feel something you've never felt before! Just give her the bracelet!" Angie said stomping her feet on the ground.

Y/n just stood back and watched this play unfold.

"Fine." Donna said before going to a nearby box that was on a table.

Donna opened the box and pulled out a bracelet with the House Beneviento crest.

"Here. Just promise me you will come back. Please." Donna whispered.

Y/n smiled.

"Yes, I promise I'll come back. I'll explain to you why I'm attracted to you when this is all over. I'll always know where you are. So be careful."

Y/n hugged Donna before waving goodbye. Donna watched Y/n leave the area and the warmth in her chest only grew as her heart started beating faster.

Y/n was now tracking her dad down to finish this and get Rose back. Y/n looked at the bracelet that Donna gave her and she smiled.

"Looks like your vision was right, mom"

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