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Satouri Milano Cartier-Jane

"Ok Power Couple come through!!" Lei hyped recording me and Del as we stepped out the car

I smiled waving at the camera.

"Hmm" Del said handing me my purse.

"Thank You" I said

"They always gone step! Where is my niece?" Dae said

"With my momma" I said

He nodded.

"I have reservations for 10 under the last name Rosee" Lei said

"Mhm right this way" a tall woman said

"Your very pretty" I said as she sat us down

"Thank You! You are too" she had a bright smile

I chuckled thanking her

I didn't know how to take comments they always made me nervous.

"So I'm sure you all know this but everything on this menu is infused if you'd like something thats not infused just let me know and I'll bring you another menu" she said

We all looked at Lei.

"Surprise." She smiled

"Ok, and I have to make sure everyone is over the age 19? Correct?" She asked

"Yes ma'am" I lied

"Ok I'll be back to take your drinks." She said

"I forgot y'all underage" Don said looking at Dae, Cammy, and Vonny.

"Finna be up there don't even worry." Dae said

"Yea in 2 more years" Del laughed

"I got 1 more year actually" Vonny said

"Big Pur!" Shamaya mumbled

"Was that supposed to be sarcastic?" He asked her

"No" she laughed

"Oh Ite" he nodded

I shook my head trying not to laugh.

"Del" I said

"Yes" he sat his phone down and looked at me

"For India party I wanna do a Kinda Tea party brunch theme." I said

"Okay, what we need?" He asked

"We need girls around her age. I'm so mad at myself that I'm not in touch with my other family cause Ik all my fast ass cousins got babies around Her age." I said

"We need to surround her with more kids her age period she always with us." He said

"I know but I don't wanna leave her most the time." I said

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