Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom.

Danny landed on the roof of the abandoned building. He looked around and frowned. The place looked so..... abandoned. The bad feeling in his gut was so annoying, it was eating his insides.

Danny sighed looking around the place one last time before deciding to fly home, but just as he attempted to fly he felt something move behind him. Danny turned around but there was no one.

"Who is there," he shouted. He was starting to lose his patience.

Suddenly, something shot past him from behind. The thing hit the wall and left a burning hole in it.

Danny turned around to see a group of men, all heavily armed with hi-tech weapons, standing in front of him. He took a fighting stance, his hand ready to shoot an ectoray.

"Who are you?"

He didn't like these people. They were all wearing similar clothes, like it was a uniform. They had black pants with a white pocket on each leg, their top consisted of what seemed a weird looking white vest with black sleeves under, there was a white armband on their left arm. They were all wearing a black mask with a white stripe across so they can see. They had white boots almost reaching their knees.

"Your worst nightmare," a voice said.

The men made way as a man walked forward. He was wearing similar clothes only with a black vest and white sleeves under. the man wasn't wearing a mask, he had short blonde hair and a scar across his right eye. He seemed like their leader.

"Really?" Danny said with a mocking smirk , "you just seem like any other evil guy trying to kill the ghost boy." Danny still didn't like those people, the bad feeling confirming it.

"Don't underestimate us kid," the man said, "you can either come the easy way or," the men behind him raised their hi-tech guns, "the hard way," the man smirked.

"I will come neither way!" Danny shouted as he shot a green ray from his hand.

The men skillfully dodged it and they started shooting with their ectoplasmic guns at him. Danny tried to dodge the green beams but the men were too fast for him. Danny was hit several times and he started bleeding.

He was then shot in the gut with an ectoplasmic beam from one of the men, he fell to the ground. One of the men shot a net at him from a big gun and Danny was electrocuted, and since he was already weak, he transformed to his human form.

Danny struggled against the net, his vision was getting blurry and his head throbbed.

Danny looked around to see the blonde man coming towards him, the man smirked and raised his clenched fist, "You could have came the easy way."

That was the last thing Danny heard before the man punched him in the face and everything went black.

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