Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Providence.

Danny opened his eyes slowly to find that he was in an unfamiliar place.

Danny looked around the place, it looked like some kind of an interrogation room. The walls were white and the only thing in the room was the chair he was sitting on.

Danny tried to get up to realize that he was strapped to the chair. He struggled against the binds but they were tight around him.

He realized that he was in his human form and considered transforming into his ghost form but settled on shooting an ectoray from his hands at the binds around him.

Danny managed to position his hand and shot the ray. Instead of the green ray coming out of his hand, he felt a surge of pain in his body. He tried again but with no use.

"Your powers won't help you," a voice said out of nowhere.

Danny looked up to see the picture of a man on a huge screen.

The man had a very pale skin, a white one in fact, he had white hair as well and was wearing a white suit too. The only thing that wasn't white on the screen was the black shirt and tie under his suit jacket.

"Who are you!" Danny shouted at the man.

The man smirked, "My name is White Knight."

"What do you want from me and where am I!" Danny struggled against the binds.

There was a moment of silence as the man stared at Danny, making him uncomfortable.

"Answer me!"

The smirk on the man's face grew bigger, "You are in Providence, and you are here since you are different from other humans, so unique...." White Knight said.

"All humans are different from each other, their personalities make them unique, so what makes me so different," Danny said.

Danny wasn't sure if the man knew who he was, and he wasn't going to venture.

"Well, I'm sure you know what I mean, your ghost powers are so special and powerful," White Knight said.

"So what, even if I have ghost powers doesn't mean you and your men can kidnap me," Danny said.

"My colleagues are interested in your powers, they want to know more about them."

"And how are you planning on knowing more about them."

"Through experiments and tests of course," White Knight said like it's very obvious.

"T-t-tests, e-e-experiments...." Danny stuttered.

Danny had seen movies where crazy people and scientists experimented on aliens and strange creatures, and he had to say, it seemed painful.

"Yes, we will start tomorrow, and soon that will be everything you will have to worry about," White Knight said.

"What do you mean?" Danny asked, confused.

"Let's just say that it's going to be a long time before you see the sun again..."

"What!" Danny exclaimed, "you can't do that, you're not allowed to, I have rights that stop you from that."

"Well, you are here now, and you can't escape, at least it's not going to be easy, and unfortunately for you, no one here cares about your rights," White Knight said as two men entered through a door and walked over to Danny.

Danny panicked and tried to change into his ghost form, but instead felt a jolt of pain through his body.

"I said your powers won't help you," White Knight said, "the collar around your neck will electrocute you every time you try to use your powers, you won't be able to use them unless we allow you to."

"No, no, nooooo!" Danny shouted as he was dragged away by the two men.

Danny struggled against the strong grips of the men, but he was vulnerable against them without his powers.

Suddenly the men stopped in front of a door and Danny stopped his thrashing and looked up. The door slid open and the men threw Danny inside.

Danny fell face first against the hard cold floor. He heard the door close behind him. He quickly stood up and ran to the door, he tried to open it but with no use.

"Open the door!" Danny screamed as tears started rolling down his cheeks.

He punched and kicked the door until he was so tired and weak.

"Please......" he said weakly as he fell to the floor.

He looked up and examined the room, the room was small and empty except for a small bed.

"So, this is my prison now, this is going to be the end of the ghost boy......" Danny cried weakly as he hugged his knees to his chest.

"Mom, dad, Jazz, Sam, Tucker....." Danny whispered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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