Under the Moonlight

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I stormed up the creaky stairs of the hotel, hearing the wood cry for help every time I stepped. I walked past Gordon's floor, and up to the third floor where my mother lived. I strode down the hallway and slammed open the door, seeing my mother watching TV.

I growled and snatched the remote turning the TV off.

"Could you be any more of an embarrassment?" I asked. "In fact, could you be anymore clueless and stupid?"

My mother raised her eyebrow at me. "You are right I should be more upfront with pursuing Gordon."

I wanted to bang my head on the wall. I swear it was like talking to a brick wall talking to my mother.

"Mother, it is not about that." I snapped. "It's about your behavior ever since Hotel Hell started."

My mother looked intrigued.

"But seriously though?! You had to embarrass me in front of my coworkers and your employees, even in front of Gordon Ramsay!" I yelled. "When are you going to act like an owner of a hotel, and not some stripper who somehow lives in a bankrupt hotel?"

"I'm trying my best."

"You are not trying at all!" I screamed. "You let Holt harass me on a daily basis, you never bother to clean this hotel which is why DUH, roaches! And you still have the same god damn overpriced menu that Grandfather had, and maybe if Marco had some creativity he wouldn't be an asshole!"

My mother didn't say a word and grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"You won't listen to me. And you never have. I'm just a person in the way because of your sexual desires 25 years ago." I hissed, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

I huffed out and closed my eyes. It was always hard to communicate anything to my mother, and it will never change.

I walked down the hallway and down the steps. I have no faith that this hotel would be saved, even with Gordon's help. It seems so out of reach.

I made my way towards the back door and stepped out into the the pool area, sitting on the chair and watching the water bubble underneath the moonlight.

At least the pool was clean and always on top, thanks to Aaron who was also part of lifeguard duty during the summer.

I took out my cigarette and lighter, lighting my cigarette up and putting it in my mouth, inhaling and exhaling. Smoking has always been my way of comfort.

"Mind if I join?"

The familiar Scottish accent made me jump, and I turned around seeing Gordon there, still in his regular clothes.

"Are we being filmed?" I asked, suddenly aware that here I am looking messy as fuck and smoking.

"No, I sent my crew for the night." Gordon replied.

"Then sure, I guess." I said.

Gordon nodded and sat down next to me, a huge huff coming from him. "The pool looks well managed I can give you all that."

"Thank Aaron for that." I said, smiling a bit.

"Evelyn, I heard you yelling at your mother." Gordon said sitting up and looking at me. "I want you to know you deserve none of that. You know what's wrong with the place and you are the one willing to take action."

I shrugged. "Yeah but no one lets me."

Gordon stared at me, his blue eyes twinkling under the moonlight. They looked similar to crystals. God damn here I am with the eyes again what the actual cinnamon toast fuck.

"I think you should be the one owning the Brookstone, not your mother." Gordon said, confidence in his voice.

I widened my eyes and looked at me. "Me? That'll be double the therapy. Megan would be so sick of me."

"With the spunk you have, I think you have the fit for the job." Gordon said.

"Thanks." I muttered, inhaling more of the smoke.

"I'm serious, Evelyn." Gordon said leaning in and staring at me intensely. "I know when I see someone with passion and potential. And that is all you."

I felt a little flustered and then flicked ash off my cigarette. "Is that what tomorrow will be like?"

"Part of it." Gordon said leaning back. "Then the other part is finding new Chefs for you."

I nodded and leaned back. Me and Gordon ended up watching the moon that night and the water bubble away with the fireflies dancing around with the little chatter.

It felt nice to talk to someone who was on my side. Especially coming from a man like Gordon.

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