Ready, Set, Freak Out

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The first episode of Master Chef went exactly as planned, and I was grateful for that. Here is how it went. After the camera started recording, they had Gordon standing with Joe and Aarón announcing the new season with much excitement and joy. They hinted at surprises and I was in the backroom smiling to myself. I was that surprise. It was time for the signature dish challenge where we met the contestants, and I was still in the back waiting for my cue.

"Now, we shall get started with the signature dishes challenge, where we will meet our contestants! Please come out you all!" Gordon announced, looking happy and excited.

His eagerness and happiness was contagious, you can feel it with his energy and bright aura. But these contestants have to keep in mind it can switch really quick.

All of the 26 contenders came out, looking determined some nervous. I was watching from the TV in the back, and I gasped at what I saw from the TV. Aaron was there, in the back wearing a Master Chef apron with pride. No readers not Master Chef Aarón, but Brookstone Aaron! I glanced over at Heidi who was watching with me.

"Did you know he applied?" I asked.

Heidi shook her head. "No, I barely know about the contestants, that is for Gordon to know."

I turned back to watch. This was going to be wacky for sure.

In the back sat Joe and Aarón, and next to Joe was a fourth chair. Meant for me.

"Now you are wondering what this fourth chair is for." Gordon says walking towards the empty chair. "Of course you know my regular judges, but this season we are adding a HOT new addition to our table."

The way Gordon emphasized hot made me want to roll my eyes. He was so pathetic. But I loved him anyways.

"Introducing the new judge of Master Chef, my extremely talented apprentice that I found in during my route in Hotel Hell; Evelyn 'Venom' Masters!" Gordon announced, making his way so the contestants and camera had a good view.

The curtains popped open, and I walked out, looking around the area, the lights turned purple, and Heidi's song choice was playing, and I smiled softly, glancing over at my fellow judges, looking over to Gordon who was beaming at me, and to the contestants, especially Aaron, who was looking at me smiling. I walked up to Gordon who gave me a fist bump.

"You have to be prepared when your dish is in front of her, she will either devour it or spit it out at you." Gordon said half jokingly.

I chuckled and crossed my arms looking upon my victims - uh I mean contestants. "You best be ready before I bite. Your dishes better be worth my time, and trust me if it's good it'll be worth yours." I nodded before making my way towards the chair reserved for me. I sat down.

"Now that you know who you are cooking for, the signature dish challenge starts NOW! Make a dish that represents you fully. You have an hour - start now!" Gordon said.

Hotel Wack! (Gordon Ramsay Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara