Chapter 23

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As the Two Wolves saw Akagi they growed atbher giving her a warning to leave or else she'll be eaten alive by them

As Akagi saw this she smirked as she summoned her rigging and prepares to launch her planes

But then the 2 huge wolves were covered with smoke and then they duplicated making 4 huge wolves in total at the battlefield

And then Akagi spoke

Akagi: The more the merrier then

And so she launched her planes while she mantained a safe distance from the wolves incase they escaped from the planes that are firing there machine guns at them

At Kaga's side

Kaga: Well... that was easy

We could see Kaga picking up the key as her huge Kitsune is handling the Wolves that were guarding the keys, but the difference is that the Wolves that Kaga is facing has blue eyes and a white smoke surrounding those wolves

Since Kaga can't beat them as she discovered that they could duplicate at a fast rate and could regenerate quickly, she summoned her Huge Kitsune, who launched a lot of fire projectiles at the wolves, giving Kaga some time to get the key

As she grabbed the key the wolves that were fighting her kitsune disappeared and so she send a text message to others to warn them that the keys are being guarded by a strange force that were created by the keys for self defence

As she sents the text she heads to where Akagi is, only to find her being chased by 100 huge wolves with red eyes as she is aboard the left wing of one of her planes

Kaga: This might take a while

She cannot help Akagi for a while due to she is exhausted on summoning her Kitsune so it will some time to recharge her energy to summon it again

And so for the meantime she'll just watch Akagi being chased since the last time she helped her, Akagi got angry and told her that she can do it all by herself

Call her heartless but she's just following what Akagi wants and since is a good person she will do it, because she knew Akagi is strong atleast

At Akagi side

Akagi: Goddamn it Kaga why won't you help me?!

As Akagi commanded the plane that she is standing to go a little higher as the wolves are trying to catch her by jumping into her plane

Her plan of defeating the wolves went south when after her planes bullets killed the 4 huge wolves, causing them to duplicate until they reached 100 after she killed some of the wolves that duplicated a few more times

And then suddenly a wolf managed to hop on at Akagi's plane and was about to push her so that the other wolves could eat her

Until they all disappeared as Kaga heads to the place where the key is being guarded and took it since the wolves are busy on trying to get Akagi

As Akagi saw what Kaga did she takes a deep breathe and spoke

Akagi: What the fuck?!

To be continued

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