Chapter 30 and Epilogue

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At Enterprise and Kawakaze's side

As the Jack and Blackheart started fighting, Enterprise and Kawakaze are escaping the abandoned down, with Kawakaze carrying Noelle on her back 

As they could heard flames and broken buildings at the distance they started to run faster until demon like creatures appeared infront and behind them to prevent them from escaping, causing Kawakaze to draw her sword and Enterprise using her arrow to fight them off, despite the disadvantage as the enemies are in great numbers

But before the demons could get closer to Kawakaze and Enterprise, A huge Kitsune appeared and launched a bunch of flaming projectiles at the demons, causing them to die or critically injured

As the Kitsune done that Akagi appeared and then spoke

Akagi: Take her to safety, I'll help your boyfriend Enterprise

Enterprise: Thank you

and then they put down there weapons and continued running, with Akagi smiling as what Mr. Watcher told her how to summon her kitsune worked

A few hours before the mission started

Mr. Watcher: You need a strong reason to summon your kitsune

Akagi: What do you mean strong reason?!

Mr. Watcher: It isn't about loving and protecting your nation, that's useless, you need another strong reason, not about protecting your nation, the one you wanted to protect the most, even it means you have deflect your country and sister for that specific person, you get where this is going?

Akagi: . . . Yeah, thanks for the advice Mr. Watcher, Let's hope your idea works

and that's how Akagi got her Kitsune after many years

As Akagi saw many demons heading towards her she commands her kitsune while she pulled out some talismans to kill them with a menacing smile on her face

Back at Jack

We could see Jack using his chains to pin down Blackheart to kill him with his Penance Stare while he is using his rifle to slow him down so the chains could get him, but failed as Blackheart manages to close his distance to him and landed a punch in his stomach sending him a few meters away from him 

Blackheart: Pathetic, Only your Grandfather managed to land a lot of hits against me, too bad he's dead, like how you humans die!

Jack: Even we humans die, at least we done something in our lives that not even you can!

and then Blackheart was about to charge at Jack but Akagi's kitsune came while she is eating the demons with it's jaws, and then fires a lot of flaming projectiles at Blackheart, causing him to get distracted, giving Jack the chance to use the Penance stare at him, and for good Measure, he uses his chains at him and to Blackheart so he could so the Penance stare properly

As Jack uses the Penance stare at Blackheart, Blackheart does his best to maintain his resolve to live and not fear Jack as the New Ghost Rider, But Akagi appeared behind him and gave him a menacing and a hint of vengeance glare and then she spoke

Jack: You dare to taint my beloved Noelle, I'll make sure you burn in hell forever, take this as payback!

and so Akagi stabbed Black heart with small Japanese sword that was dipped with Holy water hours before the mission began, courtesy of Mr. Watcher bringing it to the church to bless it for the incoming operation

As Blackheart felt the stab he screamed in pain, causing his resolve to weaken due to aura that Akagi is emitting, why, of all people a kitsune had made him, Blackheart feel fear?!

with this happening Jack's Penance Stare had taken effect on him causing Blackheart to roar in pain 

And after a few minutes, Blackheart had turned into dust, ending what Jack's grandfather had failed to finish

as the battle reaches it's conclusion, Jack heads back to his motorcycle and starts it engine and left the area with Akagi riding at her kitsune as the sun rises

Epilogue(It would be rather the summary of what happened after there battle(My Brain on how to put the Epilogue has reached it's limit sorry)

After the Battle against Blackheart ended The Watcher congratulated them for ending the war that Carter wanted to end and wish them to live happily ever after before he completely left

With the issue solved at last Jack and Noelle became more focused on ending the war against the sirens and after 1 year and 6 months the war against them had finally ended with everyone uniting, making Azur Lane a organization that will help humanity to recover for the war in the process with Noelle resigning as she did her job

After the war Jack and Enterprise married officially with Jack staying in Azur Lane to watch to the world recovering with Enterprise at his side to help her, while Noelle return to the town to take care of the city that her Grandfather had worked so hard, with Akagi joining her(after she found out she could hide her kitsune features) as she wanted to stay at Noelle's side forever with Mutsu and Kawakaze also staying

And from there Akagi proposed to Noelle with Kawakaze and Mutsu's help with Noelle saying a lot of Yesses to her

and they live happily after 

The End

(Thank you so much for reading this story until the very end, Keep a look out for the Third Story of the Shipgirls Reincarnation project with Princeton as the main character in December/January as part of the 5-8 plan see you soon!!!)

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