black and white - lil nuggets

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I know a lot of people aren't fond of characters and their married life/life with kids, but considering that having children and a family one day is so important to Steve, I had to write this bc I just love the concept. a little sad at first, but... well everything happens for a reason. I don't even want kids myself so I don't know what came over me writing this. 

"i can't promise picket fences or sunny afternoons, but at night, when i close my eyes, i see us in black and white, crystal clear on a star lit night, with all your gorgeous colors, i promise that i'll love you for the rest of my life"

black and white; niall horan

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚


Ginny's hair hung off the bed, her head at the very edge, legs propped up against the wall. She watched over her head towards the bathroom, where Steve was getting ready to join her for bed— actual sleeping this time.

Steve shrugged. "That's what Joyce said." Ginny snorted, thinking about what an awkward conversation that had to be with Joyce Byers, as Steve pulled a fresh t-shirt from the dresser and tugged it over his head. "I don't know the science behind makin' babies, I just know how to do it." 

Ginny smiled, watching as he made his way over to lay next to her. His hair was a mess, his cheeks pink from their rather heated activities minutes prior. He only wore that white t-shirt and his boxers, but he was a dream. "Yeah, you do."

Sending her a goofy grin, he flopped onto his stomach on the bed, sitting up on his elbows beside her. "Was it good?"

"It's always good."

"Hell yeah it is." Steve reached an arm over her waist, fingers drumming on her stomach. He smiled softly at the tie of the robe he'd given her to throw on after they were finished. "I can't believe we're gonna have our own little nugget runnin' this place soon." 

Ginny wanted to laugh at his endearing term of "nugget," but she could only bit her lip, eyes directed to the white speckled ceiling of their home. As a teenager, she'd only dreamed of domesticity like this— having her own place with Steve, her highschool sweetheart, having married him nearly two years ago, now trying for a child.

It hadn't been all sunshine and bed in breakfast, though. Like any newlyweds, they had their issues— but they'd always had their issues, some including interdimensional monsters and the like, others more along the lines of communication issues. But right then in their lives, the biggest issue was this— getting pregnant and obtaining that life they always dreamed of. Six little nuggets and a Winnebego.

They'd traded the Winnebego dream for a nice little home in the suburbs outside Indianapolis. Ultimately, it was a good choice, because neither Steve nor Ginny liked to be far away from their friends— their family— for too long. This quiet little two bedroom house was just perfect.

It was three bedroom for a reason, though. When Steve and Ginny Harrington got married, they thought they'd be on their second child by now. Neither had any repercussions about getting pregnant right away after marriage— they'd wanted kids for a while, but took a more traditional route of getting married first for Ginny's parents' sake. Now, Ginny was at a good place in her career and they were financially more stable than they had been, but having those children proved more difficult than they'd originally imagined.

So here they were, the second October after their wedding, two years behind their little imagined schedule and no little nuggets around the house.

Steve could always read Ginny like an open book, and he still could, seeing the soft scowl on her face as she stared at their ceiling. He poked her cheek, frowning. "Hey... What's goin' on in that pretty head of yours?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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