Part Six

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Chapter 6

Conor stuck to soft drinks, not sure he could face alcohol ever again. Naomi laughed at his pained expression. “So I presume it was a good weekend?”

He nodded, “I’m too old to be this hectic though! It’s ok for my brothers. Michael is only twenty-five, and Liam nineteen. They live in a village in rural Ireland, then all of sudden are dropped with no consequences in the middle of London...a City that never sleeps. They were like things gone mad. Whereas I was a bit of a killjoy I’m afraid. Or rather a very very old man!”

                “You’re hardly ancient!” she chuckled.

                “I’m thirty four, and felt fifty four this weekend! Especially at some of the clubs I was dragged to. I suppose it’s because being the oldest you get used to being the sensible one, I did all this ten years ago, I’m too old now. I like my comforts, and would rather a meal with good company than a night of drinking and clubs!” He sat back in his chair and smiled at her, “but then I appreciate quality not quantity, which puts me in the minority these days!”

She smiled knowingly, “You’re definitely not alone, and that’s not necessarily an age thing. Give me good company and a nice environment and I’m happy, I hate noisy places where you can’t hear yourself think let alone anyone else speak.” she ran her finger around the rim of her wine glass distractedly as she spoke.

He was amazed that she felt the same way, and nodded enthusiastically as he added, “I know exactly what you mean, though I have been peer pressured into a few nightclubs over the years!”

They ate quietly enjoying the perfectly cooked seafood and steak. All the while Conor told her all about his family, other than Michael and Liam, there were his two sisters Máire and Sinéad, three and five years younger than him respectively, both of whom were married and had provided his mother with seven grandchildren between them. The other sibling was Seamus, his twenty two year old brother who was currently studying at Princeton College in the USA. The real success of the family he’d suggested in a proud manner. He couldn’t make the stag night, but was flying home for the wedding, and Conor was looking forward to seeing him, he’d been away in Thailand when Seamus had last made it back. Naomi loved the way his face lit up when he talked about his brother, and she could tell he missed his siblings.

The conversation turned to work, and they discussed various cases and it flattered Naomi that he genuinely wanted her advice with some tasks and problems. So she gave her opinion as well as the knowledge of those cases up to date. She also answered all his questions about the quirky Gloria. Who was an enigma in her own right!

As they demolished their main course he still admitted her was not the wiser when it came to her. After they had declined desert he turned to her, his face pale, his anxiety palpable. Suddenly Naomi was nervous.

                “It’s my brother’s wedding in two weeks. I’ve no one to take at the moment. I was wondering if you’d come with me?” He saw her jaw drop, her mouth open to protest and he raised a hand. “Before you bite my head off and tell me how much you hate me, or the five million reasons why you couldn’t dream of it, let me just say, without sounding too bigheaded, I’m seen as a bit of a catch at home, I’m apparently the ideal man for a good Irish girl. I don’t need that sort of hassle. My cousin got married last year and it was horrendous. Every eligible girl in the county was paraded in front of me almost ceremoniously.”

As she started to laugh, he groaned, “I know, it sounds ridiculous, and probably really conceited, but I’m from a good family, financially solvent and I have my own hair and teeth.” He leaned close to whisper, “that’s not a guarantee in some parts of the county. So all the good catholic mothers, ignoring the fact I’m divorced, set out shop the minute I arrive home. I just want to go, enjoy seeing my family, and then come away. You know?”

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