Part Ten

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A/N - adult content, not for the faint hearted, youngsters or those who are easily offended! Hopefully tasteful rather than graphic! Enjoy those who like!! :)

It was almost pitch black without the light, the only glow was from the dying fire, and it only served to heighten Naomi’s senses. At some point this evening she knew she wanted him, even if it was just for this weekend. No one had ever gone to such great lengths to make her feel at home, protected, and wanted, and she’d loved being part of this great family, that was something she’d missed more than anything.

Feeling the bed dip next to her as he climbed in, her heart started to race, consciously she tried to slow her breathing, stay in control.

                “You ok?” she offered.

                “Yep!” he answered over brightly, and she could feel him tug the covers over himself. But as he rolled onto his side, his bare hair covered thigh brushed against her smooth one.

They both gasped, and he slid away from her to the edge of the bed as though he’d been scalded, “sorry!”

                “It was one of those things,” she said softly, immediately missing the warmth that the jolt of contact had caused to whizz through her body.

                “Even so, I am sorry, I didn’t bring you here to pounce on you!” His voice was flat in the darkness.

She sensed an opportunity “is it that repulsive a thought?”

                “You know it isn’t. But I promised...” he froze as her hand touched his chest, her fingers splaying wide through the hair she found there, revelling in the sensation of firm muscles. “Naomi...” his voice was filled with warning, but his body was already betraying his resolve, even as he spoke he was turning towards her, greedily.

                “We are both adults Conor. But if you don’t want to....” Smiling deviously to herself, she elaborately made to turn away from him when she felt two arms slide around her waist and pull her back in to his embrace. His mouth was urgent and passionate as it first found, then devoured hers, his tongue delving into her mouth, seeking hers to tease and touch.

Naomi’s breath was a rasp, her heart hammering at the extreme responses her teasing had caused; and as she managed to moan her pleasure, she felt him grow against her thigh, and still his tongue plundered her mouth, ravaging her and driving her wild. The kisses were prolonged, deep and very passionate, an assault to the senses and a savage battle of mouths.  Naomi moaned as she found that she was wrapping her body around his, craving more contact.

The darkness made their other senses come alive, and she felt a confidence that she had never possessed before as she pushed him over on to his back, breaking the kiss to taste and lick his jaw, his neck, down to his collar bone. Moving astride him, she found a nipple with her teeth and his groan was a growl from the depths of his chest. He tolerated a few seconds of her nibbling and kissing before he pushed her away, turning her over onto her back, towering above her.

Conor’s fingers touched her nose, splaying to run down to the softness of her lips, a sensitive moment in the throes of passion, she tried to bite, to ensnare a teasing tip, but he evaded her, stroking her cheek, down her neck devouring every inch of skin. His mouth followed his fingers, and Naomi’s head rolled back on the pillow at the sensation of him finding her hard nipple through the soft cotton of her skimpy vest, his tongue and lips making the fabric wet, but her body responded enthusiastically, her body arching up into his mouth. His other hand found the curve of her breast, the opposite nipple and played with it gently. She was melting, wanting to absorb him into her, clawing at him, wanting him inside her, over her...everywhere.

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