Chapter 3: The Little Sister

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"Why did I agree to this?" I asked myself, as I stared at the players running up and down the court.

I had no idea how basketball worked, except that getting the ball through the hoop gives the team points. I could be home, getting my creative juices flowing, but noooo. I was dragged along with my sister to this horrid place. Well, it wasn't horrid, New York is a pretty cool place. But I'd rather be doing something else here other than watching the game of a sport I knew nothing about.

"You guys want something to eat? Or drink?" Brodrick, who was sitting on my left, asked.

"Uh, I'm fi-"

"You can get us popcorn, and diet cokes," my sister, who was sitting on my right, answered.

He looked at me to confirm, and I gave a small smile.

"Great, I'll be right back," he said before getting up and walking off to wherever the food stand was.

Once he was gone, my sister sent me a look.

"Don't even start with me Noelle," I said.

"The least you could do is be nice to the guy and have a conversation with him."

"I know what you and dad are trying to do, and I'm not down for it," I said.

"But he's a nice guy," she said.

"I don't care how nice he is, I'm not gonna date him."

Was he a nice guy? Yeah, I guess. Or maybe it was a front. Either way, that didn't mean that I would go out with him just like that.

Brodrick worked for my dad as his campaign manager. He was on the young side for a campaign manager, which was a big deal. My father found it rather impressive and thought he would also be great as my future husband. I was in no place to be anyone's wife, especially his. But my father didn't care, that's probably why he sent him after my sister and I to this game, hoping we could bond with him or whatever. But I was not going to fold.

"I really don't understand why you won't date him," my sister said.

"I have my reasons," I said. "And why are we even here?"

"Naomi, this is the NBA finals, it's like a big deal. Thought it would be fun to take my little sister to see the game," she said.

"First of all, you've never liked hanging out with me so I don't know why you would want to now. Second, since when do you care about basketball?"

"I've always wanted to hang out with you, you just never wanted to hang out with me. And I've always liked basketball," she answered.

"Sure," I didn't believe her one bit.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "When Broderick gets back, be nice. And fix your face when he's talking to you."

"Yes mother," I quipped.

There was more she wanted to say, but she kept her mouth shut.

My sister and I's relationship was like any other sister relationship. She was the oldest and I always looked up to her. We were inseparable as kids. But she grew up, and as expected, hanging out with her nerdy little sister wasn't particularly cool anymore. This, and other things, was the reason our relationship was now a little strained. We lived our separate lives and we were fine with it. For that reason, it made it even weird that she dragged me along to this. Which meant that this definitely had something to do with hooking me up with Brodrick.

He eventually came back, grinning widely with the snacks and drinks in his hand. Noelle sent me a look again, which I ignored. I grabbed my popcorn and drink and went back to watching the game. I was not about to be a part of their foolery.

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