Chapter 10: He's Here

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"Oh my god," I whispered to myself.

That can't be him. That couldn't be him.

What was he doing here?

"What's wrong?" Celeste asked, confused.

"That's him."

"That's who?"

"The guy from New York!"

"You mean the guy at the bar in New York that wanted to talk to you and you punked out?"

I groaned at the phrase, "punked out". I did not need to be reminded of that embarrassing decision.

"Don't groan at me, you're the one that did it," she said, "but what is he doing here?"

"I don't know."

"And why is your sister holding on to him like he's her man?"

"Cause she probably slept with him," I answered and her eyes widened.

"What?! You didn't tell me that!"

"It would have made the story worse," I said.

"It most certainly did," she said "Not only did you run away from this dude, but you let your sister get her slimy hands into him?"

"Can we not revisit this?" I asked annoyed.

"It's going to be hard not to," she said.

My sister noticed that we were just standing there and motioned for us to come over.

"Oh god, what do we do?" I asked panicking.

"We go over there like normal human beings and say hi."

"What if he remembers me?" I asked.

"He better," she answered, "then he'll go after the sister he really wanted."

She sent me a devious grin, and I knew she had some scheme up her sleeve. She grappled onto my hand and dragged me behind her towards my sister, ignoring the subtle resistance I tried to put up.

Thinking about that night for the past few days had been sending me crazy. I could not believe that I had let my fear get the best of me. Of course, I vented to my best friend, and she wasted no time letting me know that I messed up. I was in the process of trying to forget about it when he showed his face here. Did my sister invite him? Did he come all this way just for her? That would probably ruin whatever plan Celeste had up her sleeve.

The closer we got, the more I realized he was looking at me.

Oh god, he remembered!

Was he mad? Amused? Think I was weird?

I didn't have time to deduce an answer because we arrived at the group.

"Kyle, this is my sister Naomi and her best friend Celeste, who's actually Chris' sister," Noelle introduced, still holding on tightly to his arm. What was that all about?

"Hi," Celeste said.

There he was, standing right in front of me. He looked just as good in a suit as he did in the leather jacket.

A kick on my shin from my best friend pulled me out of my fantasies.

"Hi," I said, trying to sound as normal as I could.

"Kyle is here visiting his family," Noelle said.

"Who's your family?" Kamryn asked.

"Uh, Anthony Young is my dad," he answered.

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