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Kartoffel's POV

Miss Friedrich had taken me to a building near my ship, saying that should a siren vessel pass the defensive wall i would have to imediately​ take off to make sure the ship survives. Drinking a carton of apple juice, i watched as a large amount of IronBlood ships heading out, the only ones remaining were miss Friedrich and a few destroyers.

Friedrich : now then, listen my child. I will defend you with all i have, but should anyone of those siren ships pass through, i want you to take off as quickly as possible, okay?

I nodded my head whilst still sipping the apple juice through the straw. Soon enough i began to hear distant cannon fire and the familiar sound flak opening up on aircraft. Looking outside and bringing out a pair of binoculars to take a closer look at the aircraft.

Black jets with red glowing lines of the frame.

Kartoffel : oh, ooooh. So they were siren jets!

Friedrich : hm? What do you mean dear?

Kartoffel : well, when i had first met up with Azur Lane, i saw those black jets flying about and attacking people, i even saw these pair of creepy fox sisters.

Friedrich : wait a minute my child, are saying that no one has taught you about the sirens yet?

I nodded my head slowly and watched as miss Friedrich shook her head in a disappointed manner, and then she proceeded to walk out of the room, stating that she'd be back. I just tilted my head as she left.

"are the sirens really that bad?"

Shrugging my shoulders, i turn back to look out the window and using the binoculars to watch as the battle ensued. Miss Bismarck was pretty cool to watch, standing alone with the flag pole in her hand, watching the battle before her.

Kind of reminded me of a cartoon, maybe a movie, that Cleveland showed me earlier, what was the show called again...? Hmm, i can't think of a name, i know it was a man wearing this blue-ish suit and a round shield.

Oh, right the battle.

Looking back at the battle, i noticed that something seemed off.

Looking around myself i realized that miss Friedrich should have been back by now. Not only that, but the destroyers that were suppose to be guarding my ship seemed have left.

Something was wrong, very, very wrong.

Dropping the binoculars, i quickly began to sprint out of the building and then jumped off the pier, "skating" towards my ship. Just as i was getting into the bridge, i could see miss Friedrich's ship, along with the destroyers, break down into a large quintity of blue cubes, flying off towards the middle of the port. I kept my eyes on the building as my engines turned on and began to warm up.

Soon enough the building located at the middle blew up, sending shrapnel everywhere, and then out of the flames came the destroyers who seemed a little banged up. However what surprised me was that miss Friedrich seemed to be fighting a pale lady wearing black, holding an ominous black cube.

Rising out of the docks and into the air, i thought that maybe i had gotten out of danger in time.

And then my eyes were burned by a blinding white light which came from the black cube in the possibly siren shipgirl's hand.




Waking up with a gasp, i began to rapidly breath in and out before calming down.

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