The past meet the future

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Ollivander look at her and then at a wand that has been with him for centuries now "I wonder"

He gave her a wand that look fit for a royal

Dya took it and it's hit with warm and saw again the same handsome man

"Wow" say the past

"Best of luck Dya Potter, for the wand has chosen it's heir"

Dya is left confused more than ever

"What is the meaning?" Ask Remus

"Is my daughter safe ?" Ask Lily worriedly

Just then the film stopped and a girl's face appeared

Just then the film stopped and a girl's face appeared

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"Hello again... huh? Don't look at my outfit just ignore it... yhe thing is that Harry and Dya are about to start their journey to Hogwarts for the fist... first" the unknown girl seemed angry and is glaring at someone "oh for God sake Ronald you are a saviour of the wizarding world and you dint learn to write properly"

The girl took her wand out "Incendio"

"What the Hermione It took Me 2 weeks for the notes" Come a male voice

"Man calm down Mione continue" Come another voice but this time it's sound familiar

"Wow" comment Remus

"Hey Prongs don't they sound like us?" Ask Sirius grining widely


"As I was saying and repeat this will be my words get it Ronald Weasley"

"That is why the girl said he didn't learn to write" sneakers Lucious and many Slytherins

"Dya please help me with them" plead Hermione

James seem exited as he heard his princess's name


"Bloody hell Dya"

"Swetty continue" Come a sweet and docile voice

"Thank you darling, as I was saying the twins will start their journey and we are excited to see it especially Rona and Harry's stupid actions so please welcome us because"

"WE ARE COMING" yelled many voices

Just then the grat hall is surrounded by a bright light and went it disappeared they saw many tenegers standing there


The past are exited

Dumbledore stand and went towards the group "introduce yourself please" Said politely

A couple come forward

"Hi I'm Harry Poter" said Harry looking at his parents

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