the philosopher stone

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Dya is reading a book when Harry Ron come running there "Dya let's go" he took her hand and dragger her to where the other 2 are

She saw all confused Harry talking to Mcgonal

After 2 minutes of whatever their are discussing Mcgonal leg from there Harry come to Dya "tonight we are going to Fluffy
Mcgonal isn't listening Dya and the Stone is in danger"

Dya nod even though she is confused

Lily looks at Harry "you are an idiot"

Harry look at his mother "not my fault if the teachers don't listen to us"

The others nod in response "if only they listen half of our problems will be solved and no one would be in life threatening events" say Hermione wisely

At night Harry, Hermione, Ron and little Dya are standing in front of the door where the three headed beast is resting

Dya come directly from the library   "you ready?" Say Harry

He open the door and saw The beast sleeping "Snape is already here"

The other entred the room after a lot of debate Harry went fist, Dya is feeling a lot of darkness 

Harry went first and the other look around  when Harry spoke "all ok you can come i land on Something soft"

Dya took Hermione's hand amd jump after Ron

"What's this a flower?" Ask Ron

After some seconds the plant immobilised the quartet

Hermione and consequently Dya as she held her hand are able to come on the other hand and out of the plant

Hermione look at it and gasped "I know what this flower is guys you need to relax"

Lily is holding Harry and Dya tightly to herself afraid to lose them

James is hugging Sirius

Regulus is scared for the first time and is looking worriedly at Dya and Theo without realising

Ron is struggling to much Harry look at his sister who is pleading to him to hear what Hermione is saying he close his eyes and relax

Ron look at him "mate where are you?"

Harry appeared next to Dya and side hug her "Ron you need to relax"

Ron isn't relaxing at all

Hermione is mumbling to herself for a solution "fire it needs fire"

"Incendia" say Dya with her wand out

Suddenly Ron is free "heee thank God we didn't panic" say Ron

Harry deadpan at him "Thank for Hermione and Dya "

"Oh my God" Lily is scared and is only the start

Ron is looking embarrassed for his act

They come in another room where they saw keys but they are flying

Dya murmured "accio firebolt" Dya gave it to Harry

Meanwhile Ron went to the door "Alhomora" nothing happen he looks at Dya and grin "awesome, we need to learn it so we can lock the twins in or out depends" say Ron to Dya

"Hey" Exclaimed the same twins

"That is where you get the idea Dya" say Theo

Dya just grin mischievously with Ron

Hermione and Harry are looking around

Harry mount the firebolt "which one?" Asked to his friends

Hermione is mumbling to Dya " it has to be a weird and old key jut like the lock of the door"

James turn to look at Remus "you sure Hermione isn't your daughter?"

Remus ignored him but Sirius is siriusly looking at Remus then at Hermione "it can be"

Harry after a lot of difficulty (that are ignored by Sirius and James with their question) took the key and throw at Hermione who open the door and the run on the next room

"Chess?" Say Dya amazed

(Sorry not very good so skipping it)

Everyone are silent in the great hall will they pass this test as well or will they die?

"Ron" say Hermione finally figured about his plans

And bam

Ron is thrown away but after winning the chess match

"Rooooon" scream Dya running to him

Harry come there with Hermione

Dya is crying hugging Ron and not listening a word that the trio are saying

"Come Dya" say Harry

He literally drugged her leaving his best friends

They went in the next room and Harry somehow resolved it with Dya shaking

The last room is huge and they saw the mirror

The twins show themselves in the mirror but Harry in reflection wink at them and putt the stone on his pocket

They hear a noise and turn around and saw "proffesor Quirell?"

"Uh what?"

The twins look at each other Suddenly dya is seeing blackness

"Is time heiress do it and reclam your position as our new lady"

"Come my lady accept it"

Dya get her senses back when she saw her brother unconscious "Harry" and a ghostly figure ahead

"Voldemort" wishper Dya not knowing how she knows

James and Lily are worried for thier children and hugging each without realising it

Dya hug her brother

The ghostly figures come towards her with his powers intending to attack her

"Now me lady is time"

"Accept it my lady"

Dya close her eyes in fear of the attack when another figure appears and protect her "I can't do anything without your help little princess you need to accept it"

Dya doesn't know why but she feel protected with him/her

"I don't know how to" say timidly

The figure look ahead at Voldemort "close your eyes listen to your heart and accept what you see princess"

Dya did what it say she see darkness everywhere her heart is saying light

Dya is thinking how is possible I'm seeing darkness my heart is telling light what you should I accept light or darkness?"

"Princess I can't protect you kuch longer you need to accept it now before he attack again I am not that strong yet"

Voldemort attack again but this time with all of his power a green light come towards them the nice spirit disaper and the green light went directly to Dya's form

And Bam

"Noooo"  many screams are heard from the past

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