Bringing Them In

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"Hi!" - talking'
Eh?' - thought
Heyyo - message/note on screen






3rd POV // At Tok Aba Kokotiam

Boboiboy Tanah manage trap Adu du and Probe in the hole that he made and covered them with chunk(?) of dirt.

Just as they're about to celebrate, the ground start shaking and they both flew out of the covered hole.

Probe flew to Boboiboy Petir and before everyone knew, a light shines making them closed their eyes.

When they finally open their eyes, they were shock to see they're in an empty room.

Boboiboy Petir and Angin merge with Boboiboy Tanah by turning into a small light ball and Boboiboy is back to his orginal self.

"What just happen?" said Yaya in surprised tone.

"Huhuhu!... Amma! Appa! Help! I don't wanna die! Huhuhu..." whined Gopal.

"Aiya Gopal! We're not going to die yet!" shouted Ying in annoyed tone.

"We need to find way out of here! If not, who knows gonna happen" said Boboiboy.

"Dey, how are we going to get out? We don't even know where the exit is" commented Gopal.

"Maybe we can ask Ochobot to scan this place?" said Yaya unsure.

"That could work. Ochobot! Can you- Eh?!" shouted Boboiboy in shock as he realized Ochobot isn't with them when he turned to Ochobot's previous direction.

"Ochobot! Where are you!" shouted Boboiboy with worried tone.

"Wait... Where's Tok Aba?!" shouted Boboiboy again.

They all look around and call out their name when suddenly...

"Boboiboy!" shouted Ochobot from afar.

Boboiboy turned to his voice and saw Ochobot flying(flying or hovering idk-) towards him with Tok Aba behind him.

"Ochobot!" shouted Boboiboy back.

Boboiboy then hug Ochobot like he won't letting him go.

"*gasping* Hei... I'm tired of running..." said Tok Aba exhausted from running.

"Uhh... Hehe..." giggled Ochobot awkwardly.

"How did we get here?" asked Tok Aba.

"We don't know too. That's why we need Ochobot to scan this place" replied Yaya.

"I already did but the results are always ' unknown place '" said Ochobot with no hope.

"Hmm... What are we gonna do now?" asked Yaya.

".....Ishh! I don't know! I can't think of anything!" replied Boboiboy frustrated.

"It's okay Boboiboy, no need to rush" said Tok Aba calming his grandchild.

"I guess all we can do now is wait... and maybe think other ways" said Ying sitting on the ground.

Just as the others about to sit down, some kind of magic lift them up surprising them.

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