The One with the Plan

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The meeting was productive. There was further news that Professor Singh planned a false attack tomorrow.

"Are you certain?" I inquire.

"Yes, Captain. One of my in-tells believes the Professor is stalling for the War in two weeks' time."

The man in front of me was as chubby as oddly represented in old cartoons, but his mind was fiercely intellectual and quite Charismatic. Elvis Blake was not judged by his skin color, nor his physical appearance as he was in his previous life, he was one of us. Maybe even the best of us. He was a true human.

"Two weeks! We don't have that much time for preparations, Captain," blurted Juliet.

"And the Zombie Virus has spread into five more cities. We lost Team Alpha and Team Beta. That means fifty good Warriors, each," added Malissa.

Malissa Nightingale, our tech-savvy team leader. There is no one amongst those idiots who can outsmart Malissa. She single-handedly opened all the gas stations from our base, with limited network access, and opened fire on the unwelcomed corpses that lurked our streets.

"Malissa, I need access to all network systems, drainage systems, and dams. Can you do that?" I request.

"Is that even a question? I'll get on it, Captain."

"How is the cure going, Ryan?"

"The probability of its success is five to hundred. Though it's not much progress, we are still tweaking its chemical components and its DNA. Whatever Professor Singh used, the technology provided was one of its kind. I couldn't find that in any of the laboratories."

"Actually, if I may intrude?"

"Yes, Maximus."

"I have breached their Regional security system, and it seems that the location of such potential technology is in Austria."

"Austria? Isn't that the official base for the Zombies?"

"Indeed, it is. Which makes it more convenient to explain how those Zombies were able to procreate. They are using the machine to reinvent humanity in their own sickening way," I deduced.

"Alright, it is settled. Malissa, Maximus, you know what to do."

Malissa and her assistant, Maximus, saluted and headed on further down the basement base to where their team and technology reside.

"Ryan, we will get you that technology, but I will need antidotes for their bites."

"On it, Captain."

"Romeo, are you mad?" Juliet hissed behind me.

"You just killed their leader, and now you wish to go to their official base? You won't make it back. The hell, you won't even reach the laboratory if they spot you."

I ignored her but tilted my head to let her know that I heard her concerns.

"Remember everyone, don't be a hero if you are near death. Just run and save yourselves. You are too important to us than being a hero and limiting more of our humanity," I looked at my Warriors intently.

"Also, be aware of their saliva. It seems Professor Singh modified her genetic components and made them more poisonous than just simply turning us into one of their species."

With that, my Warriors nodded and ran into positions. Tonight we attack her base. She won't see it coming.

I smiled at the thought of finally getting closer to ending my nemesis before I was yet again rudely interrupted by my sister's magic.

"Don't ignore me, Romeo!" she yelled.

The chairs flew off the ground and kissed the hardened wooden walls.

"Are you mad! Relieve your powers now or you end up exposing us!" I hissed and moved dangerously close to her.

Her expression shifted from anger to fear in mere seconds as I radiated dominance. If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that I love my family but am not merciful to anyone who disrespects me.

"I-I'm sorry. But I can't lose you–"

Her voice was cut off by her sobs and ran into my arms to find whatever comfort she was looking for.

"I know, my dearest Juliet."

I take her face and make her gently look up at me before I kiss her on her forehead.

"I won't go. Not like any of our families. You are my sister, and I'm not letting you go, you hear me?"

She looked at me as I comforted her with words and hugged me tightly, as though she could ground my ambitious soul to the base.

"Be careful."

"I will, little one."

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