The One where Romeo meets the Devil

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Around Midnight, when those creatures are usually feasting, we safely arrived at their base. This one, unlike the others, was larger and full of technological advancements I haven't seen before. The Zombies were much more muscular and intact, unlike their civilian siblings. It seems that Professor Singh has been busy despite mourning her dead fiancé.

"Your orders, Captain," whispered Elvis behind me.

"We are ready," Maximus radioed us.

I look around cautiously at the back door entrance and observe if there are any zombie guards around. There are none.

"All right, the coast is clear. Let's go and remember to stay quiet, stay low, and don't be a hero," I ordered my Warriors.

"On your mark, Captain," they mind-linked me.

I gave the order, and we started to move forward.

So far, everything went smoothly. We entered the back door with ease, as though it was unlocked for us.

I didn't like this, but I stayed cautious and alert in case of any movement.

Maximus and Malissa mind-linked me with the directions and codes to the elevators, so as to avoid being overheard.

We reached the underground base, which was heavily armored and secured. So Elvis used his powers to manipulate space and make us invisible.

We passed the guards and got almost exposed when one of them smelled my fresh bruises from yesterday's battle. We were this close...

Bullocks. It was all too easy and I should have known better.

Once we landed in the center of a podium, lights went on and were directed to us. As though someone was expecting our arrival. But how? And why?

"Welcome, my oddly profound nemesis," called Professor Singh as my team and I landed the base.

We didn't utter a word, fearing it was some sort of practice for tomorrow's false battle attempt.

"Romeo, you can come out now. It is over. I've got you where I wanted you to be, alas."

Professor Singh was as normal of a human as she got. But the glint of madness in her eyes said otherwise.

I mind-linked Elvis to remove the invisibility shield around me, as I knew from the way she stood she expected me alone.

She did, and I appeared before her. Unafraid, and more determined to blow up this base.

"You got me, Naomi."

"Romeo, O' Romeo. Where have you gone?"

"Cut it, Naomi," I snarled rather bluntly.

She gave a burst of sickening laughter that made my skeleton leave my body and run.

"You haven't changed a bit since college, R."

"You haven't either, Naomi. I knew you were ambitious, but I never thought your ambition would lead to world destruction!"

She flashed her pearly cracked teeth at me, and the reflection of emotion on her face was indescribable.

"You and I could have been a team, you know."

She strolled down the staircase, in such a cliche slow-motion. Good thing, because my neck strained from looking up at her. The fact that she wants to assert dominance on her audience, makes me want to destroy her.

"You were my best friend once. Now look what you did to us, Romeo," she pouted.

If someone didn't know her, they'd believe her sadness was true, but I knew better. She's antisocial and physically incapable of producing emphatic emotions.

"I did nothing. You wanted to torture people for the sake of "science" while I aimed to be a chemist to save humanity," I replied, and fell dangerously quiet.

Elvis telepath'd me that there was movement beneath the base.

It's a trap! The Zombies were hidden underground, Captain! She knew we were coming! But how?

I don't know, Elvis.

Maybe someone from the inside gave us away?

Bullocks. No one would dare disobey me and sell out the remaining of humanity like this.

"Kill her," Professor Singh gave orders to no none.

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