AN - Tommy T

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Guy's I'm genuinely so upset about Tuchel being sacked, I just feel so detached from Chelsea right now and I probably won't post any imagines anytime soon, we'll see.

I love Thomas so much, I don't think this was fair at all. He's given everything to this club, and they thanked him by doing this? I just can't process what's happened, I could barely study and sleep yesterday after the news.

I'm also disappointed in some of the players for not showing their fullest respect to him. He made them champions of Europe, he made them world champions ffs, and they don't seem to care much from what I've seen and heard on social media. I know many of them probably have spoken to him in person and that writing on social media isn't so important, but writing a paragraph for him doesn't hurt.

A simple "Thank you" is not enough in my eyes. He made you to the player you are today, the least you can do is show some gratitude and let people know how much he did for you.

Like I said, I'm really upset and I feel so bad for him. I supported Chelsea the moment he joined the club and now that he's gone it just feels empty, and as much as I'm happy for Graham Potter to join and lead Chelsea on, I just can't seem to feel excited about the future games. Personally I think Tuchel made the games more interesting to watch, man will I miss his interviews 💔

Never in a million years did I think Tuchel would leave like this. I'm disappointed in Boehly and the club for the way the handled the sacking. It's pure disrespectful and disgraceful and I'm for sure never going to forgive Boehly for this and his selfishness.

The next team who gets Tuchel will be so lucky and I will 100% always support him no matter where he ends up. I still support Chelsea of course I just feel detached at the moment like I said. Whenever I would think of Chelsea, the first word that would pop up would be "Home", but now it's just empty and cold. I hope Potter succeeds and the players get their arses together because they are to blame too for this.

Feel free to comment your opinions on this, it would be nice to get your feelings out.

Also just found out Queen Elizabeth II has passed. RIP

Imagines | Mason Mount Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora