chapter 11

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It was late in the night here in Lothlorien. We were fed and some of us, more specifically Legolas and I changed into elvish attire to make our short stay more comfortable. It reached midnight by the time the hobbits finally rested, as well as the dwarf. Some of us stayed awake though, sleep not being able to come.

I was engulfed by the grieving lament that the elves had begun to sing. A lament for Gandalf I presume, and its words most sorrowful and tear striking.

"A lament for Gandalf," Legolas speaks up, holding a pitcher in his hands. He wears white elven robes and wore a certain elegance his previous armor did not show.

"Lady Galadriel must be in deep grief over the loss of our friend," I say as I meet his side, my white robes lightly blowing in the wind, my unclothed hands clasped together. I had taken my gloves off early, I felt safe enough here without having to wear them. They were my comfort, and I need not wear them here.

Legolas nods.

"It is a shame," He adds and I breath in a deep sigh. "You seem on edge, mellon nin, what bothers you," Legolas soon asks as my eyes close to take in the striking beauty of the song. Despite his intriguing question I was much to embraced with the lament to fully answer..

"This place feels like home," I simply say and lift my head, opening my eyes slowly which revealed the moon, in its fullness and shining bright. "It feels good to finally be at rest somewhere with such peace," I add and Legolas nods his head in agreement.

"You deliberately avoided my question," He says with a small chuckle and I lowered my head and gave him a knowing look.

"It is much too late to be prying Legolas, mellon nin," I recoil and Legolas dips his head out of respect.

"I mean no offense, Tame," Legolas began and now I faced him front on, my arms crossed and my long sleeves tussling in the wind. "If something Aragorn is doing that bothers you, I can speak to him-"

"There is nothing wrong between Aragorn and I," I cut him off, my teeth closed tight as I spoke. My sudden outburst surprised the Mirkwood elf, but I gathered my composure before finishing, "Sorry, I did not mean it that way, Legolas, I guess Aragorn and I are just trying to figure things out."

Legolas smiles as if understanding what I was implying, then he nods.

"I'll be rooting for you, mellon nin," He says with a mischievous wink and I swat him off as he begins to walk away, his golden hair shining bright under the glisten of the full moon.

A few moments pass, I stood where Legolas had stood and I let the breeze take in my long hair. I stood in the middle of the camp we were all settled in, the hobbits sound asleep, I could hear their peaceful snores. Aragorn was speaking to Boromir, and every once in a while I saw one of them staring at me, my ears tingled every time. I was curious of what they spoke of, but I kept my distance. Clearly they spoke more softly because my keen ears would pick up what they're saying if they spoke with normal volume.

I'm not saying they're speaking of me, but a girl can assume.

Though, as I was in thought, I was distracted then when I heard a soft rustling in the leaves behind me. My head jerked in the direction and I noticed a small shadow pass and I knew it was a hobbit. Gimli was still asleep, his snores the loudest and still prominent. Merry Pippin and Sam have been wanting nothing but to sleep, so that rules them out. That leaves our ring bearer.

What is Frodo doing up at this hour? He should be getting the most rest out of us all.

Slowly I walked off after him, keeping my distance so I go unnoticed. I only want to make sure Frodo doesn't wander off without getting lost, despite me not even knowing the slightest of where I was either, its better safe then sorry.

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