chapter 12

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When I awoke I was not surprised Aragorn did not lay at my side. It was well into the morning and breakfast was probably served. He also probably did not want many to see him walking from my tent, that would cause not so pleasant assumptions.

I heaved a sigh as I sat up, stretching my arms up over my head and yawned. I haven't slept that good in a while. I normally don't sleep, elves do not need sleep like a man or hobbit does. Occasionally though an elf with indulge in such matters for their own sake. It was much needed for my case.

I assumed we would be leaving today, we cannot get behind schedule, so with that I dressed myself back in my leather tunic and armor, fastening my sword around my waist and stringing my bow over my shoulder. I ran a quick hand through my blonde hair before exiting my tent, the light shining bright I had to cover the blazing sun from my eyes.

That is when I remembered what happened just the night before.

Blinding light. So bright and pure it aided Lady Galadriel back to the light before darkness consumed her. A shiver ran down my spine and I clasped my gloved hands together. I dare take them off now. It can be unexpected as to whom may be tempted by darkness, and I do not want to explain these powers to my companions, not yet at least. It's too fresh, too new, even I would not know how to explain.

It did not take me long to find the rest of the group, they all sat at a grand table eating what looked to be salads, fruits, and cheeses with bread. Gimli did not seem the most pleased and I giggled when I saw his stumped expression.

Then my eyes landed on Frodo, who seemed to be staring right back at me. I gave him a knowing look, not threatening but a look to see we were on the same page. Only he and Galadriel know of what happened last night, and it must stay that way. Frodo is smart, I know he would dare tell a soul.

He nodded and I turned my gaze away, landing on Aragorn who was smoking a pipe at the table. An empty chair sat beside him and I took it upon myself to seat next to him.

"Good morning," I say to the men of the table and Aragorn smiles at me, a puff of smoke exiting his mouth.

He leaned in closer to me, his mouth reaching my ear. The soft whisper caused my stomach to flutter and I listened intently to what he has to say.

"Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up," he began and I rolled my eyes. I did not mind at all. "I just did not want anyone to assume-"

"I know, I would have done the same," I reply and look into his eyes. He nods surely before pulling away, returning to his pipe and listening in to the hobbits conversations. I did the same. I snacked on an apple and some bread to fill my stomach as well as a glass of wine which felt just right on my tongue.

It was nice having such a restful sleep and an enjoyable morning, before we leave to embark on our quest once again. But now what troubles me is not this quest but how I have come to acquire these powers. Who is Amarthanith whom Galadriel speaks of? How did she know her? Is she still alive?

With the short time we have left here, I took to look for the library's of Lothlorien, and luckily it wasn't far from where we were staying. I excused myself from the table shortly after I finished my glass of wine and headed there swiftly. Not noticing the concerned expression from Aragorn while I left without a word.

I scanned the library shelves, the shelves carved deep into the trunks of thick trees, and lanturns as well as the sun shining through the branches of leaves gave me enough light to see.

"Is there anything I can help you with, my lady," A small feminine voice speaks out, almost startling me. I turn as my hand lingers on the spines of books I was looking through.

Nobody | Aragorn.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang