Part 11

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Malina approaches them and lays her hand on Lea's shoulder.

"Why don't we leave him to rest," she directs him into the office which is

transformed into a guest room. "The sun has set and we should be getting ready for bed


Now speaking to Vai, "I'll log into the computer in case you want to use it. There

are towels in the bathroom and a toothbrush for you on the counter. Let me know if you

need anything else."

Lea wonders how he learned Ing-lish well enough to speak, read and write. She

had only been taught because she is the daughter of the Queen, no one else in Kina has

the need and very few have the desire. If a Kinan is going to learn another language they

usually chose Samoan or Tongan dialects. Those two peoples live closer to Kina than the

Pimu and other Ing-lish speaking peoples.

"Thanks, Malina" is all he says and then lays on the bed facing away from them.

Malina shuts the door and pulls Lea to the other room. "Let's leave him be. He

needs some time," she whispers the command to her younger cousin.

So many questions swirling in her mind, "Where has he come from? Why is he

here? Was he meeting someone here before he forgot all about them? Are they looking

for him now?" All these questions come tumbling out. She doesn't believe that Malina

can answer her, but just to get the words out of her head and the worry about him off her


"I have a feeling that he is used to taking care of himself, I don't think he would

have had a hard time. He seems to be escaping, I'm not sure what. We'll have to see how

he adapts and hopefully he's willing to stay with us until we can help him resolve it and

he remembers whatever he's running away from."

Malina's frank admissions calm Lea's emotions until they hear the office door

close very quietly. He had listened to their conversation. Lea can't believe he would be

that rude. Malina worries that he heard something that will spook him and lose his trust

in her. Her heart breaks at the thought that he will run away before she can help

Lea-rough draftsWhere stories live. Discover now