Part 17

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Vai and Lea are the talk at services the next day. They both choose clothing to

hide their cuts and bruises. Lea still isn't used to wearing sleeves, but thinks it will be

best to hide the stitches.

They share the truth with all three adults after the doctors finish with them. The

Reverend explains he is not a trained "sicologist," Lea is still not sure what that means,

but talking about it helped clear some of the horrors.

Vai confesses his "amnesia" was a cover to hide who he is. "I didn't want to put

you in further danger, but I also didn't want to lose you once I searched for you. I needed

to make sure you were safe from my father and cousin."

Lea messages her parents and hits only the highlights, not wanting them to worry

at least until she returns safe. "There's no sense causing them worry if I'm already fine."

Of course, now the danger is passed her parents want her home as soon as

possible. Transport is arranged for the next day. Lorelei will travel with her, but Vai is

going to stay with Malina for a little while. Lorelei and Malina play mother and

grandmother hens insisting he wait to see how his cousin reacts before he assumes he's

safe and can return to his home.

"I'm going to miss you soooooo much," Rebeka could hardly wait for services to

end before attacking Lea in a hug. "So, sorry!" she apologizes when Lea winces.

"Hugs are always OK." Lea responds.

Iwi carefully hugs her, "I'm going to miss you too. You'll so have to come back

during school break or something."

"Oh, definitely. There's no way I'm giving up my new friends."

Titoki steps up next takes her hand and draws her away from the others. "I, I hope

to see you again." He finally meets her gaze which borders on deer in the headlights, if

she had ever seen a deer. "I really had fun. I need a chance to prove I can beat you at

polo." Lea laughs doubting he could, but not wanting to squash any interest he has in


"You're on, next time I'm here, we'll form proper teams and see who's better."

He lifts her other hand in his while they both stand there bashfully enjoying a moment.

Eventually, Lea turns to see way too many people watching them. She says good

bye, takes back her hands and returns to her cousin and friends.

The drive home is quiet as they each consider the coming changes. Dinner is a

farewell feast of Bacon, pizza, and popcorn Lea's three favorite Terran foods. They

watch a cartoon about toys that come alive when their children are not watching. It's a

little disconcerting to Lea, but over all a good story.

The next day will be long for Lorelei and Lea and they go to bed early to get

plenty of sleep. Lea is almost ready for bed when a she hears a soft knock at the door.

Vai stands there wearing his pajamas with toothbrush in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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