Chapter Sixteen: Laurens And Margaret

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Alexander Hamilton is rumored to have not liked John Laurens when they first met.


Months have passed in a strange blur. At some point I've noticed Alexander's famous pleading for Washington to give him a command. Meade laughed when he heard that remark. "Hamilton has been asking for months now, Layden- even I was made aware of such events. How have you not realized such, sir?"

I, miraculously, always found some way to excuse myself from Washington's presence. Surprisingly, no one- except Alex- had caught on yet, and I intend to keep it that way. "I guess I'm just... not the most observant of people."

With a playful grin, Meade asked "How did you manage to get on Washington's staff, then? You're incredible with numbers, but that's not, by far, enough, sir."

"I'm not that sure actually," I respond, hiding the blatant truth with a laugh. "One day, Ale-Hammie came up to me and said 'Washington wants us on his staff', and here I am! I've got no idea how Washington actually accepted me."

"Huh," Meade huffed, not unkindly. I smile back. I like Meade a lot- he's not here that often, but when he is, he never fails to cheer all of us up.

Well, except Reed, but I doubt that that man even knows how to smile.

"Ladies, quit your gossiping, you have work to do," Tilghman says, entering the room with more paperwork. The man next to me scoffed. "Tench, you're simply offended that we have not included you in our conversing."

"T'may be so." Tilgman smiled, putting down the paperwork and pulling Meade into a hug. "It has been a while, Meade." They separate. "How was your latest travel?"

Meade sighed. "Long, I must say. I am glad to be back." I tune out the rest of the conversation, returning back to my work. Alexander silently passes me a letter, and I put it into my pile right before picking up my pen.

"Oh, I feel like I should mention that a volunteer aide shall be joining us from this evening on," Meade mentioned after a while. I perked up at that. 

"That Laurens gu- person?" I ask. I heard that name a few weeks ago, and yet I still couldn't understand why it sounded so familiar. Maybe I'll be able to tell when I meet him. Meade nodded.

Alexander sighed deeply. "That's incredible news, Meade." Sarcasm dripped heavily from his voice. "Is he also followed by private chefs and butlers?"

"Probably," the man shrugged, raising an eyebrow at Alex's obvious mood change. "No matter how you see it, he is another person that believes in our cause, Hamilton. That's good, even if he's... well."

"He'll find something useful to do," I say, ignoring Alexander's betrayed look. "He's a volunteer, so I'm sure that he genuinely believes in our cause."

"Solomon, he is a-"

"All I'm saying is to give the poor man a chance. You haven't even met him yet."

"Poor," Alexander scoffs at my bad wording, but otherwise stays silent- he knows there's no point to argue with me. Tilghman and Meade send me an impressed look, as if surprised that Alexander actually shut up. I shrug. It's not something that unusual to me- I've known him for so long, after all.

The hours passed slowly, and the day bled into night. Knowing that Washington comes to check on us in the evening, I excuse myself for a break. Tilghman and Meade nodded, and Reed didn't acknowledge me, which meant that I could go.

But Alexander grabbed my wrist when I stood up. "Sol, you will miss out on meeting Laurens if you don not come back soon."

"I-" Right, that guy. While I was curious, I definitely didn't want to compromise my position. "I'm exhausted right now. If anything, I can meet him later, Alex." Alexander gave me a look that said 'I know that's bullshit', but he released me anyway. I turned and walked out of the tent, feeling violet eyes burning holes in my back.

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