Chapter Thirty-Six: West point

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*Slight NSFW warning. It's very slight, don't get too excited. Longest chapter yet, because it's West Point so of course it has to be long. Also I had to include this clip- Lafayette you're doing so good bb

General Washington had given Benedict Arnold his fullest trust and had placed him in command of West Point in New York.



"Marquis de Lafayette?"



"Marie Roch Gilbert de Lafayette, where are you?"

As I try my hardest to ignore the annoying noise in favor of a few more minutes of precious sleep, an arm tightens around my waist and the body behind me shifts closer, presumably trying to achieve the same goal as me.

"Or was it Marie-Joseph Paul... Lafayette? Marie Paul Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette!"

A very irritated sigh is breathed out on my neck.

"Marie-Joseph- uh- Paul Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette!"

"You're almost there, sir!" I suddenly startled into wakefulness as a loud shout comes from right next to my ear. "Oh, apologies, Layden, I didn't-"

"You're fine, you're fine," I groan out, hoping if my ears aren't bleeding. The arm around my waist retreats, followed by the leg that was subconsciously thrown over my clothed thigh and I already miss the heat. Though I suppose it is for the best, since only seconds later the source of the annoying noise enters the room.

"There you are, mon ami," Alexander exclaims, relieved. "I see that you have caught Solomon as you intended yesterday."

"Oui," He says, stretching. "Though I do believe I overstayed my welcome."

"Nonsense, sir." I scoff, also waking up. "It be an honor to share a bed with the Marquis de Lafayette."

The Frenchman goes red, and Alexander laughs. "Oh, it's an honor, alright, considering all that he has done in France for us."

"Oh, what have you done again? I didn't get to hear anything over the noise of everyone cheering for you."


"I forgot to mention that Washington is asking for you, Marquis," Alexander quickly added, which quickly shut down whatever Lafayette wished to say, instead making him excuse himself and- as quick as humanly possibly- dart out of my room to get dressed appropriately. I give Alexander the most deadpan expression I can muster.

"He was in the middle of saying something, sir."

"Oh no, he was about to start, and I believe you would not have let him leave until he's finished and you have processed what happened. Everyone has places to be, and you already missed the moment where he told Washington's family about the things that are going to happen."

"Okay, stop stalling and just tell me. Also, does Washington actually need him or did you just say so to spite me?"

His expression turns glum, and he frankly replies with "Aye, as I am apparently nothing more to his Excellency than a mere messenger boy."

"That's not true, Alex." 

"I shall believe so when he gives me the command that I rightfully deserve. Does he think me stupid, or incapable?"

I sigh, feeling that the same conversation is coming up again. "You know he doesn't, sir."

Alexander scoffs. "You haven't heard him. 'Son, do this', 'son, do that', 'son, be quiet', 'son, don't do that'. He treats me as if a fool, a child! If he does not get some sense into himself soon, I believe that I shall die by the writing desks."

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