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chris never thought he would fall for a fan. to be fair, he never thought he would fall for anyone, period. but seeing the way mackenzie lights up the room with her laugh, or making everyone else laugh with her jokes and sarcasm has made his feelings for the girl grow. 

she's got him upside down. 

every minute spent with her results in the lingering feeling of butterflies swarming his stomach and his heart aching, longing to actually be with her. for a while, chris denied his feelings. but now, seeing her look so much prettier than she already was in person, he finally admitted it to himself.

he was falling for mackenzie harper. he was in love with mackenzie harper. and he had to tell her before he leaves for boston in two days. the only problem? today is monday. mackenzie lives in her dorm mondays to thursdays and only lives at her house on weekends. the triplets leave on wednesday. chris thinks about and weighs his options.

1) send her flowers and a card with his confession

2) surprise her at school

3) text her. 

he could send her flowers, but the possibility of someone else taking them was high. he could surprise her at the school, but he wasn't sure if they would allow him on campus during school hours for anything other than a college visit. so, ultimately, chris decides on option three: texting her. 


chris 💟


i need to tell u something

are u in class rn

mack 💟

hey chris!!

no, my next class is in 30 minutes

what's up?

chris 💟




im going back to la day after tomorrow

and i just wanted to come right out

and say that i like you

mack 💟


chris 💟

i really really fucking like you

and i want to take you out

before i leave

mack 💟


chris 💟

thats all ur gonna say???

mack 💟

well idk what u want me to say

this is a big thing to spring on someone chris

chris 💟

so... you dont like me back

mack 💟


i adore you so much and

i absolutely love you as a person

but all of that is just in a friend way

i only ever thought of you as a celebrity crush

and when we became friends, i just kept

that mindset. you're my friend, chris

and i'm sorry if i led you on but i didnt mean to i just

i don't like you like that

and i literally JUST broke up with brandon, which

was actually really hard on me because i genuinly

really liked him despite how i showed it on the outside

chris 💟


i shouldnt have said anything


mack 💟

im so sorry chris

chris 💟

forget it

i shouldve known better than to fall for a fan

mack 💟

chris please

can we talk about this in person


READ 2:32 PM.

maha speaks :)

to those of you in the "are u focking my crumpet" gc who i told that i wouldnt ruin anything between chris and mack: sorry i lied.


if u didnt see my announcement, i'm grounded rn and i got my phone taken away so the only time i can write is when i'm in school or home alone with my laptop. because of this, updates might be less frequent but i'm trying to get as much done on the side as possible so even though i'm not updating, i'm definitely writing!

upside down , chris sturniolo. ✓Where stories live. Discover now