twenty eight.

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mackenzie was mad.

furious, even. the way chris apologized and expected her to forgive him just like that? no, she would need probably a huge gesture to show that chris is really sorry. 

it's only the day after thanksgiving, but she was due back in school by monday. mackenzie was dreading going back to school, but the semester was almost over and winter break starts in two weeks, and then she would have a whole month off. not to mention, her birthday was also in one week. she didn't know much, only that ayla was planning something at her house that night since it happened to fall on a friday. 

at the moment, mackenzie was venting out her frustrations in the form of staring at the cieling and occasionally hitting herself in the face with a pillow in an attempt to wake her up as if chris breaking up with her and then trying to get back with her within 12 hours was all a dream.

when she was about to smash her face into the pillow again, emaan finally comes into the room and snatches the pillow away.

"you're pathetic." she says. "absolutely pathetic. get your ass off the bed and help me choose."

"help you choose what?" mackenzie sits up on the bed and sees emaan infront on her holding two dresses in her hand. a look of realization dawned on mackenzie's face.

"matt's taking you out?" she asks a smile growing on her face. emaan blushes and nods slowly. mackenzie gasps and jumps out to hug her best friend. "OH MY GOD, MATT'S TAKING YOU OUT!"

"MATT'S TAKING ME OUT!" emaan yells back as the two start to jump around screaming. for a moment, mackenzie forgets about chris as she starts to help her friend get ready.

"you need to tell me everything." she leads emaan to her bathroom and starts to look for makeup supplies. "also, wear the blue dress." 

emaan explains to mackenzie the story while she changed into the dress.

"here, let me show you the texts." emaan quickly runs out of the room to grab her phone. when she comes back, she scrolls up to yesterday and gives the phone to mackenzie.


yesterday , 11:53 pm

matt (my bf)
are u sure ur not mad at me

matt why would i be mad at you

matt (my bf)
ur mad at chris and we look the same

no matt we're good
ur not chris

matt (my bf)
oh okay great bc i need to ask u something

go ahead 

matt (my bf)
voice message
("hey, so like... i'm
not really sure how
to type this so i'm just
gonna use this. so um, 
we've been talking now
for a couple months 
and i think that it's about
time that i take you out, like
on a real date. and i don't know
the specifics yet i just kind of
went off script with this i had
this whole other thing planned
but chris kinda ruined that so
this is a plan b. anyway, yeah,
i just wanted to let you know that
i want to take you out on a date and
like an actual one because you know,
hanging out at home watching netflix
isn't a date, no matter what anyone says.
this voice message is getting kind of long,
i'm like rambling now, but like,
yeah, please consider. okay, bye!")

upside down , chris sturniolo. ✓Where stories live. Discover now